How delicious to bake a mackerel in the oven?

In this article, we will tell you in detail how to tasty mackerel in the oven. Such a dish can be prepared in various ways and it will certainly be appreciated by the whole family.

Mackerel baked in oven with lemon



We process the fish, clean and wash it. We chop the greens finely with a knife, add some salt and mash it with our hands.

We baste the mackerel with spices, put the greens and lemon slices inside. Now wrap the mackerel with foil, put it on a baking tray and bake for about 35 minutes at 190 degrees. Serve the dish with boiled potatoes, sprinkled lightly with lemon juice.

Mackerel baked in the oven with vegetables



Vegetables are processed and cut into circles. Half of onions with carrots are put aside, and in the rest we add mayonnaise and mix.

We clean fresh mackerel, we remove the insides, season with spices and put carrots and onions in each. Separately, wrap the blanks in foil and lay them on a greased baking sheet. Around distribute the vegetables and prepare the dish in the oven at 180 degrees.

Mackerel roll baked in the oven



We remove the mackerel from the mackerel and thoroughly rinse it. Now gently remove the bones and season the divided carcass with spices.

For the filling, fry first to softness grated carrots, and then add crushed onions. We spread the cooked roast evenly over the surface of the fillet and fold with a tight roll. After that, wrap the workpieces in a sheet of foil and spread it into a mold. We send the dish for 25 minutes in the oven, and then cool, unfold and cut into slices.

Stuffed mackerel baked in the oven



We clean the fish, gut and unfold the carcasses as a "book". Season with spices and pour with lemon juice.

Boiled rice mixed with peas and herbs, chopped with a knife. Salt the filling to taste, add half a grated cheese and mix.

The form is smeared with oil, spread mackerel and fill it neatly with stuffing. From above distribute the tomato, sliced, and sprinkle with cheese. We bake mackerel with cheese in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.