Celibacy - what is it, what is it harmful and healthy?

In the religions of the world, the connection between a man and a woman is not sinful, if it is pleasing to God and approved by him. Adepts who have dedicated themselves to the Lord, often vow celibacy, to isolate themselves from worldly vanity. It is called celibacy, which all priests know, but not all are obliged to observe it.

Celibacy - what is it?

Celibacy is a mandatory celibacy vow for religious reasons. The term originated from the Latin word caelibatus, which means "unmarried." Such vows exist from pagan times and are spread all over the world.

  1. Buddhist monks refuse to create a family for spiritual growth .
  2. In Hinduism, the vow takes a permanent or temporary form of renouncing sex.
  3. Even the ancient Roman priestesses of the goddess Vesta accepted celibacy vows.
  4. All Catholics, with the exception of deacons, must be unmarried.
  5. Only Orthodox monks and unmarried priests can become Orthodox bishops.

Celibacy for men

For personal reasons or religious reasons, a man can remain a bachelor and voluntarily lead an asexual lifestyle. It is not necessary to have a priest for this - anyone can take the vow of celibacy, guided by one's own opinion about the "correctness" of life. Celibacy for men is a rejection of all carnal pleasures, a guarantee of preserving the energy of the organism and (if religion is involved) the opportunity to be closer to the Lord without placing a family on the way to it.

Celibacy for women

Representatives of the weaker sex can also devote themselves to abstinence and lead a clean life by sacrificing themselves to God or a loved one. Nowadays some European women and many Indian women voluntarily refuse to marry. They pacified the flesh, served God and people: they lectured, taught in schools, participated in religious conferences and actively learned themselves, meditating and leading spiritual diaries. It is important not to substitute for concepts, because a woman who observes celibacy does not simply renounce domestic slavery and submission to a man. She finds harmony in her condition.

Celibacy in Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy is one of the religions that encourages marriage and voluntary repudiation. The paradox is that by propagating different principles of behavior, these concepts are based on a single spirituality. After the Sixth Ecumenical Council (in 680-681), a special attitude was formed to the marriage union. It involves sacrifice, a reverent attitude to the family, maturity. The Orthodox Church does not suppress the natural instinct of love, reproduction, family creation, and adheres to the following rules:

  1. All the clergy are divided into white (allowed to have a family) and black (not allowed).
  2. Marriage is allowed when precedence is given to priests or deacons.
  3. Bishops are chosen exclusively from unmarried (black clergy).
  4. The vow of celibacy among the Orthodox can be taken both temporarily and for life.

Why celibacy?

Asking the question, what is celibacy, many people are trying to understand what is its main goal. In some exercises it is mandatory, in others it does not. The goals set differ depending on the adepts who apply the practice, and whether physical or moral abstinence is implied.

  1. In Western religions, the vow of celibacy is given for Christ's sake. He teaches humility to man and opens the way to the Lord.
  2. In the eastern teachings, it is a means for achieving spiritual enlightenment.
  3. Abstinence is the basis of yoga. Meditation and lust are incompatible.

Celibacy - good and bad

The attitude to the vow of celibacy in the whole world is different, it has changed for centuries. And today there are supporters and opponents of the "bachelor system". Catholic priests are required to observe strict celibacy, but recently this issue is actively raised, as parishioners claim: forced abstinence has a negative impact on the work of clergymen. Orthodox celibacy is more loyal, but here there can be different interpretations.

The use of celibacy

Celibacy is a necessary condition for spiritual growth. Priests are closer to God than people who live "in the world." They fence themselves off from all blessings, desires, joys and put no one (neither wife, nor children) among themselves and the Lord. What does celibacy give to priests? Time for yourself, for prayers and reflections on the higher essence. If you consider the concept of sexual abstinence, you can find pluses:

  1. In this sense, celibacy is a guarantee of preserving the internal energy of a person, the cells of the body and the brain.
  2. As proof that the retention of the seed has a beneficial effect on the mind, lead such great thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, Newton, Beethoven, and others. They led a life of abstinence.
  3. It is logical to avoid promiscuous sexual relations not only in youth, but also in maturity. This will preserve the health and moral character of a person regardless of gender.

Celibacy - harm

It is a mistake to believe that the connection between a man and a woman condemns all world religions. Negative attitude to the vow of celibacy Judaism, because in the Bible it is prescribed - people need to "multiply and multiply." Anglicans and most Protestants also prefer married priests. The main argument that leads people who do not accept celibacy: what is this teaching, which contradicts natural functions, human needs. There are other disadvantages:

  1. The absence of an intimate life can lead to diseases of the genital area: prostatitis, atrophy of pelvic muscles, cancer, etc.
  2. For lack of physical and psychological relaxation becomes the cause of complexes, hidden desires. Sometimes they result in the commission of crimes.
  3. Clyus celibacy can only people who are ready for this. You need humility and your own willful decision.
  4. Incorrectly explaining the doctrine, some priests see a sinful connection with a woman and become muzhetozhtsami. There are many cases when Catholic priests seduced children, just to suppress their desire.
  5. Some substitute sex for masturbation, which is also a sin.

How to take celibacy?

If a person is willing to sacrifice his personal life for the sake of achieving his goals, he asks himself: how to take a vow of celibacy? It is not necessary for this to go to the monastery, to perform some rituals. If the concept of life is such that there is no place for the family and relationships in it, a person - a woman or a man - can voluntarily go to this sacrifice. The oath is given before the icon. The speaker turns to God, promising never to have any relationship and to remain undefiled (undefiled) until the end of his days.