The art of seduction

The art of seduction and seduction of men at certain times is necessary for every woman. After all, it is precisely this weapon that turns a formidable tiger into a cute kitten, which murches when you scratch behind his ear and rubs against his legs in the hope of getting a treat.

Some ladies know this art perfectly, although no one purposefully revealed to them the secrets of seduction. Some of them act purely intuitively, and someone from the very childhood before his eyes had an example that can be successfully imitated. It can be argued that the learned and mastered rules of seduction are an important stage in the successful development and development of women's self-awareness.

Psychology of seduction

Women's seduction of men - a kind of game in which representatives of both sexes participate with great pleasure. If young people try to show themselves in all their beauty in order to impress the girls, then the beautiful ladies themselves are forced to act more cautiously. No matter how much they talk about equality of the sexes, women who try to attract attention by male methods, most often do not understand and, moreover, do not approve.

Of course, now it is not necessary to wait until the attractive gentleman will pay attention to you and take the first step, but the main task of a woman is to build a situation in such a way that he is sure that all this is only his merit. With the help of small tricks, anyone can be attracted, but it is extremely important not to give him reason to doubt his manliness, which is what the lady who decided to invite him on a date herself will do. However, if you have not the most serious intentions for this candidate, then the technique of quick seduction will be quite appropriate. It includes such tricks:

  1. Game with your eyes. Look at the man you like a little longer than usual. Take your eyes off when he notices, but gradually make eye contact longer, look at him more boldly.
  2. Smile. The best way to show that you are located to this knight.
  3. Demonstration of merits. One of the sexiest parts of the body is lips and legs, and this just needs to be used. Take an elegant pose, sip a cocktail through a tube, shake your hair, slide your hand over the stem of the glass. Do not be shy to make your movements more frank and sexy.
  4. Adjust to the partner. When you start a conversation, try to quietly copy the pose and some gestures of the chosen one, this will make him more disposed to communicate with you.
  5. Confidence. It is very important that you are sure of your irresistibility, so it makes sense to carefully prepare for the outlets. In general, any laws of seduction are based on a great love for themselves and regular, careful care for their appearance and soul harmony.

With the help of these techniques, you can easily make friends. In order to prolong it and make it unforgettable, you will need more serious secrets of seduction of men.

Secrets of the seduction of Cleopatra

Legends of this great woman have come down to us through the millennia. Despite the fact that she was not beautiful, the great rulers went to her from beautiful wives. Is it worth to doubt that she skillfully used all sorts of ways of seduction and literally attracted attention.

One of the main secrets of Cleopatra - carefully plan your actions and think through the moves, but do not give it to the mind, let everyone think, that you live playfully. Cleopatra had a good sense of humor, they say, she was the only one who could make Caesar laugh. She also knew how to effectively appear and organize stunning holidays, and even subtly felt the moment in which to leave the chosen one alone. Therefore, to her men Cleopatra was only happy. Her extraordinary courage and strength of character hit men, and women's cunning allowed finding a way out of the most difficult situations.

The last of the pharaohs skillfully used all the opportunities provided by nature, and will always be a worthy role model.