Unique photos of the inhabitants of Siberia

Believe me, after viewing these photo masterpieces, you will want to go on an unforgettable journey through Siberia.

Alexander Himushin packed his backpack 9 years ago, putting everything he needed into it, and went to re-open the world. He visited 84 countries and realized for himself that people are the most unique part of our planet.

And three years ago he came up with a photo project called "The World in Faces". Its meaning is to demonstrate the beauty of each people with the help of portrait photography. Alexander was particularly interested in the culture and traditions of the most remote villages. The last six months, a talented photographer has traveled through Siberia and right now we have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the people who inhabit this region.

After all, we all know so little about Siberia. Yes, it is known that it covers most of Russia, that this is a vast geographic region in the northeastern part of Eurasia and that's it. But what do you know about the people who live there?

During his travels in this region, Alexander Himushin overcame about 25,000 km. He managed to visit the most remote corners of this beauty, starting from the shores of the deepest in the world Lake Baikal, to the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan, from the endless steppes of Mongolia and to the coldest place on earth, Yakutia. All this he did for one purpose - to capture the faces and traditions of indigenous peoples. The most interesting is that many of them are on the verge of extinction, and their number does not exceed a hundred people. It is sad that this world does not know about them.

1. A girl from the native tribe of Dolgana.

2. The Ulch woman.

3. A girl from the Sakha people.

4. A small representative of the Evenk peoples on the reindeer.

5. Ulchi beauty.

6. Evenkian old man.

7. A girl from the uilta people.

8. A girl from the Sakha Republic.

9. Baby from the Evenki people.

10. The Nivkh man.

11. The Soyot girl.

12. Evenki girl.

13. The Buryat Girl.

14. A woman from the small indigenous people of the pelvis.

15. A young man from the most ancient population of the Japanese islands - the Ainu.

16. Buryat Shaman.

17. A girl from Negidal.

18. Oroken.

19. Evenki with the baby.

20. Russian language.

21. Shenghen Buryat.

22. The Chukchanka

23. Yukagirka.

24. Buryats.

25. Young Evenk.

26. The young Ulchiyts.

27. Little nannay.

28. The Old Udege.

29. A family woman.

30. Tofalar with a shamanic tambourine.

31. A woman from the people of Orochi.

32. Udegeika.

33. The Mongolian Tuvinian.

34. The Yakut shaman.

35. Buryat monk - Gelugpa.