Pregnancy after cannabis removal

Pregnancy is a beautiful and desirable time in the life of every woman. However, not all expectant mothers have a pregnancy that runs smoothly, especially in the first trimester, when any malfunction can provoke a miscarriage. In addition, a growing number of women diagnosed with "infertility." In most cases, the fault is the lack of the hormone progesterone. In order to restore the hormonal balance appoint dufaston.

Why drink djufaston during pregnancy?

The value of progesterone is enormous: it prepares the woman's body for a possible pregnancy, helps the fetal egg to attach to the wall of the uterus and stay in it, prepares the mammary glands for lactation. If progesterone is not produced enough in the body, pregnancy may not occur, a pregnant woman may face a miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy, placental insufficiency. The use of dyufastone during pregnancy avoids these complications.

Duphaston during pregnancy and at the stage of her planning appoints only a doctor, based on the results of a test for hormones and a complete examination of a woman. How much to take djufaston at pregnancy and up to what week to drink djufaston the gynecologist also solves. Usually, the treatment lasts until 16-20 weeks, after which progesterone is produced in sufficient quantity by the placenta.

How to quit drinking djufaston during pregnancy?

To cancel a preparation it is necessary gradually - under the scheme registered by the doctor. Sharp withdrawal of dyufaston during pregnancy can lead to a threat of miscarriage, as the level of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman falls. In general, pregnancy after proper duleston cancellation almost always develops normally.

Is pregnancy possible after djufastona?

If the drug was prescribed to treat infertility, then the likelihood of pregnancy after receiving dufastona is high. Therefore, closer to the end of the cycle, it is necessary to make a test or donate blood to HCG.