Asthenozoospermia and pregnancy

What does asthenozoospermia mean? This diagnosis is made after a sperm analysis, which revealed that healthy and motile spermatozoa are extremely small. The disease is lethargic and very weak motor ability of spermatozoa, and such representatives are not able to fertilize the egg.

Can I get pregnant with asthenozoospermia?

Asthenozoospermia and pregnancy, possibly incompatible things, if a similar diagnosis was revealed in a partner, and he decided not to fight it. The quality of sperm is often influenced by environmental factors: stress, hard work, sedentary lifestyle, nutrition, ecology, etc., as well as diseases of internal organs. If in time to identify the cause and proceed to treatment, then in 90% of cases this diagnosis is curable.

How to cure asthenozoospermia?

Of course, with the diagnosis of "asthenozoospermia", if the corresponding therapy is not carried out, then the very low probability of having children does remain, as is known, hope dies last and a miracle sometimes occurs.

Treatment of such a disease is carried out depending on the cause identified: hormonal therapy, surgical treatment, prescribing antibacterial and antiviral drugs, dieting to reduce excess weight or other reasons, massage and vitamin therapy can be carried out. But to date there are no drugs that would simply increase sperm motility, so the use of a well-chosen treatment by a doctor is necessary.

Asthenozoospermia and IVF

In case the treatment did not work, doctors recommend IVF . For this method of conception, spermatozoa are selected and purified, and also inserted into the egg by an artificial method. But this method is performed with uncomplicated pathology and the presence of group A spermatozoa (completely healthy). In more complex forms of asthenozoospermia or the absence of a positive result after IVF, ICSI may be the solution to the problem.