What kind of fruit can a baby have in 9 months?

Any mom wants to give her child all the best, especially when it's time to treat your baby with useful and tasty foods. Among the huge variety of all kinds of fruits, it is necessary to identify those that can be given to a child in 9 months, so that they benefit, and do not harm the health.

Benefits of fruit for the baby

Not only porridge and vegetables should be treated to the child. For its full development, berries and fruits are also required. After all, the intake of vitamins into the body comes mostly from fresh fruits. In addition, they contain fiber and pectin, necessary for the digestive tract for good work and fighting with constipation.

Allowed fruit

Not all fruits are available to a child at 9 months old. After all, most of them are still quite heavy for digestion by a child's body. The very first thing a little child has tried is an apple, it is very valuable for a baby.

At 9 months, if the baby does not suffer from allergies, then he can consume half the apple of any color per day in the form of puree. But for allergic people, red and often even yellow fruits are banned, so you should prepare juices and purees only from green fruits.

In addition to the apple, with care you can offer the baby a pear. You should start with a teaspoon or a small slice, as this fruit can cause excessive gas formation and bloating.

Apples and pears are fruits that grow in our area. But what about the overseas product? What kind of fruit can be given to a child in 9 months from those that bring to us from distant and near abroad, not every mother knows.

The only thing that can be a kid from exotic species is a banana. It is given half or even whole, crushing with a fork or blender. Children are happy to eat this overseas fruit, which is a source of potassium for the body.

Prohibited fruit

But much more fruit is forbidden to a child at 9 months. In the first place - it's all citrus, because it is better not to provoke an allergy in the baby. They are undesirable to give up to two to three years.

In addition, the baby's digestive system is still heavy, while prunes are very useful for constipation and as a source of microelements. Grapes should also not be given up to a year because of strong gas generation from it.

No matter how fruit mother decided not to treat her baby, first it should be a microdose and if there is no negative reaction, then you can gradually increase the amount of new product.