How again to fall in love with her husband?

If you believe the French writer Frederick Begbeder, then love lives for three years. Real women tend not to believe in it, but even they agree that in the course of time feelings in pairs are transformed, or even fade away.

About how to fall in love with her husband again you can give tips endlessly, but we will focus on the main points, without which love will not manage in your home, even the 10th anniversary.

How again to fall in love with her husband?

  1. First, a man needs to pay enough attention. Do not forget to consult with him on important issues for you and your family, be sure to ask for help, even if you know that you will manage yourself. Men by nature are not only conquerors, but also rescuers, so stay weak for a while, and let him enjoy the victory, even if it's just a nail hammered into a wall.
  2. Secondly, a woman should in no case become boring for her man. She should be able to support conversation on any topic, give advice, provide psychological help if her husband has a problem. Read fiction, listen to good music, go in for sports, learn something new - in one word, develop! And the problem, how again to fall in love with her husband, will leave herself.
  3. Third, be gentle and gentle with your man. And it's not just about conjugal sex, which should never turn into routine, but also about everyday signs of attention. Take the husband gently by the hand in the store, while the queue slowly moves to the checkout. Or stroked as if by accident his thigh in an automobile traffic jam. Well, to kiss on the cheek, passing by on a noisy party, is an obligatory ritual for women who do not know how to fall in love with a husband again.

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for situations when some insurmountable circumstances arise in the family, misunderstandings and grievances, rather than love, are put in the forefront. Most often such pairs part. But if you are sure that love is still alive, and this man is your second half, then act!

How to fall in love with the former husband will tell you the heart. Remind the man of himself, but unobtrusively. Let him see how you got prettier during his absence. If there is an opportunity to invite an ex-husband to visit, then leave a bouquet of flowers on the table. Let him know that you are interested in other men. But most of all, of course, a strong gender appreciates loyalty and loyalty, so do not overdo it with jealousy. Have more confidence in yourself and everything will turn out!