Cake "Turtle"

Cake "Turtle" touches a funny appearance and at the same time pleases with excellent harmonious taste. It can be prepared both in the oven and in the pan, as will be described in detail in the recipes below.

How to prepare a classic tortoise cake - a recipe in an oven with sour cream


For the test:

For cream:

For glaze:


  1. The dough for cooking the cake is prepared simply and quickly. To begin with, beat with a mixer chicken eggs, gradually pouring in the whipping process the whole serving of granulated sugar.
  2. Next, in a lush sweet egg mass, mix a cocoa powder and a spoon with cocoa powder and sifted flour, after which we again treat the mixture with a mixer.
  3. At the final stage, quench the soda with vinegar and add it to the dough, mixing it well.
  4. We put aside the bowl with the cake test aside and start preparing the cream. Soft butter is combined in a convenient container with sour cream and sugar, mixed and pierced with a mixer until a lush and airy texture is obtained.
  5. During the preparation of the cream, warm up to 185 degrees oven. Dough pour a spoon on an oiled or vystelenny parchment baking tray, making out a kind of small pancakes.
  6. We dispose the baking tray with the blanks on the middle shelf of the heated device and we bake for seven minutes.
  7. Now we get the cookies dipped in the prepared cream sour cream and spread on a wide dish with a slide, imitating the tortoise shell. For convenience, it is possible to put a ring on a dish from a detachable shape, and after decorating a neat "hills", remove it.
  8. On each side we spread on the platter four cookies in the form of turtles' paws and two more in front and behind to imitate the head and tail.
  9. Now we combine cocoa with sour cream in a small sauerkraut and heat it in a moderate heat with continuous stirring until boiling.
  10. Add the creamy butter to the chocolate mixture, let it bloom and remove the mass from the fire.
  11. Slightly cooled glaze cover the "Turtle" cake on top and decorate additionally to your liking. You can paint fingers on your paws with your fingers, and on your head are eyes and the mouth of a turtle.
  12. Before serving, the cake should be given a few hours to impregnate.

How to bake a tortoise cake at home with condensed milk and a kiwi - a recipe in a frying pan


For the test:

For cream:


  1. To prepare the dough, mix the condensed milk with a beaten egg, baking powder and flour and make a knead.
  2. We divide the finished flour into eight parts, each of which is slightly smaller than the previous one.
  3. Roll out the dough pieces on the surface dusted with flour, chop the fork and fry in a heated dry frying pan on both sides until ready.
  4. While frying and cooling the cakes, we prepare the custard. Mix the whole milk, vanilla and plain sugar in a saucepan and slowly stir the flour, whipping the mass with a whisk.
  5. Separately beat a little egg, add to the milk and a little whisk.
  6. We dispose of the vessel on the stove and warm the cream with continuous stirring until thick.
  7. Now add soft butter, once again the cream is processed with a mixer or whisk and let cool.
  8. Making out the cake, we lay out the cakes alternately on the dish. We begin with the largest and finish with a small one.
  9. Each cake is smeared with custard and paved with thin slices of peeled and sliced ​​pre-kiwi.
  10. We decorate the product with slices of kiwi on top, with their help, we form the paws, the tail and the head of the turtle.
  11. We give the delicacy a few hours soak and we can serve it to the table.