Vomiting with teething

The most troublesome period in the life of a child and his parents is the time when the baby's teeth are chopped - from 4-6 months to 1.5 years. This process is unpredictable: it can pass unnoticed, and can cause pain in the child and is accompanied by various manifestations: temperature , crying, diarrhea, runny nose, increased salivation, coughing and even vomiting.

Since the occurrence of vomiting in teething in children is the least typical reaction, it causes the greatest excitement in the parents. Therefore, in this article, we will consider the causes of vomiting during the period when teeth are cut.

Causes of vomiting in children on teeth

There are several possible reasons why a child may start vomiting when his teeth are chopped:

Parents should always contact the pediatrician at a time when the child's teeth are chopped up with vomiting, diarrhea, coughing and temperatures over 38 ° C. After all, only a specialist can determine whether a child is ill or has just teeth erupted.