What to answer why?

Mommy babies are looking forward to when their baby starts walking , sitting and talking. At such moments the four-year-old parents are touched and say that just while the baby is still silent and agout, it's quite simple with him. The age of the patients rests for a period of 3.5-4 years. At this time, all parents feel equally helpless, because the child begins to ask a lot of questions on each occasion and dozens of times a day.

What do adults face?

As a rule, the beginning of this remarkable period in the life of each child is approximately the same. He begins to ask those questions to which you are preparing yourself during pregnancy. The first thing the little guy is looking for is the answer to the most important question for him: how he came into being. Of course, stories about storks and cabbage today are no less popular than we say twenty years ago. But modern children immediately reject this option, since the time of awareness and growing up is much shorter.

After the most important questions the kid begins to get acquainted with the world more actively and he is interested in everything that is forbidden, not discussed or hushed up. What exactly does it mean? We rarely notice how quickly children remember unfamiliar words that are heard in the streets, in kindergartens or from television screens. Therefore, it is not surprising that sooner or later you will be asked to explain the meaning of words like "killer", "gay".

After a while the child is even more shocked by his aspirations for knowledge. There comes a period of philosophical questions. You will come across questions about death, growing up, evil and good. This test is much more difficult, because you have to tell as simply and easily as possible. Otherwise, on the principle of a matryoshka you will be asked a number of additional questions.

If all this did not scare you and caught you unawares, then the last stage has not come yet. In a more mature age, you will have to learn the world again. A crumb with intelligent questions: the features of life of different animals, natural phenomena. Here you can not do without a children's encyclopedia.

Rules of conduct for parents

In a couple of three answers to the tricky questions of the kid any parent will start to get nervous and evade the conversation. Some people think that it is not worth while to answer adult problems. Psychologists pay attention to the fact that the behavior of moms and dads directly affects the child's further perception of the world: how much he will be curious, the degree of his trust in parents, the desire to learn. Here are the main tips that experts give.

  1. On "adult" questions should be reacted in the same way, as well as on all the others. For a child, it's just knowing the world and he does not realize the whole piquancy of the situation. But if you knowingly circumvent such topics or curse the crumb, you can incorrectly form a perception of the relationship between the sexes.
  2. Always consider the level of development of the child. Sometimes adults give extra and obscure information. For example, it is desirable to cover questions about death or correctness primitively: everything is early or late leaves, but at the same time he lives a bright life and a very very long life. Your task is to answer and at the same time to emphasize the good.
  3. If you do not know the answer, never hesitate to look at the crumbs in the book together. The parent will always be an idol if he becomes one level in his child and begins to teach him, and not teach.
  4. Sometimes a crumb can ask the same question several times in a row. Most often he just needs confirmation. If you see that the kid is testing you for strength, try to answer something else. Most likely but he will be indignant and he will answer correctly.