FEMP in the middle group

Skills that are acquired by a child at preschool age, become a kind of foundation for further development. Therefore, from an early age with a child you need to study in different directions. One of the activities is the formation of elementary mathematical representations (FEMP). In this case, for example, in the middle group, it is necessary not only to train, but also to combine it with creative development, as well as control the level of knowledge acquisition by the child.

Organization of FEMP in the middle group

In preparing the lesson, it is important to take into account that it is recommended for preschoolers to increase the number of such forms of education as games, observations, discussions. And also it is necessary to fix the received information in daily activities. In general, the lesson is based on this algorithm:

Of great importance is the visibility in the knowledge of FEMP in the middle group. And when learning in parallel, you need to pay attention to expanding the vocabulary of the vocabulary and the development of speech .

Principles of FEMP in the middle group

At the activity it is necessary to rely on the basic principles:

It is also important to remember that the activity on the development of FEMP in the middle group gives the best result in the first half of the day, when the children are not tired yet. If one of the kids does not have time to master the material, then in his spare time it is necessary to give him special attention.

Didactic games on FEMP in the middle group

Game methods have proven themselves for learning different age groups. With this approach it turns out not only is accessible and interesting to convey the necessary material, but also help to uncover creative abilities.

To organize the work, you can use the manual on FEMP in the middle group of authors Pomorieva IA. and Poznaia VA, as well as scenarios of teaching and playing activities Kolesnikova EV

Of course, you need to include in the process of physical education for recreation.