Cake "Prague" in the multivariate

Multivarka - the savior of many housewives, not only in the preparation of first or second courses. It produces wonderful biscuits, which are the basis for many cakes. One of the most loved and popular, of course, is the cake "Prague". In the multivark for him, baked cake, which is then soaked with cream and poured glaze or fondant.

How to prepare a cake "Prague"?

The original recipe of the cake that came to us from the Czech Republic is quite complex - it adds cognac, several types of cream, soak the cakes with rum, then pour chocolate fondant. The taste of this dessert is loved by many. In our country, a simpler version of the delicacy has taken root, where for the cream they take only one kind - on the basis of condensed milk or sour cream, and the sweet is replaced with chocolate glaze. Many housewives happily cook this cake for their beloved household.

Cake "Prague" at home

If you decide to make a cake "Prague" in accordance with GOST at home, then you will need to follow the recipe carefully and spend a lot of time. Yes, the dessert will turn out to be unique and exquisite, but, you can go on an easier way by making a cake "Prague" in a multi-bar, for example in "Panasonic".



We beat 250 g of sugar with eggs in a blender or a mixer. Then add 250 ml of sour cream and continue to whisk. Mix with sifted flour, baking powder and cocoa and beat again with a mixer. We lubricate the bottom of the multiquark bowl with butter, pour the dough. Cake "Prague" is prepared in a multivark in the "Bake" mode for 20 minutes.

For cream, melt 100 g of butter, mix with condensed milk and 3 teaspoons of cocoa.

For the glaze we use the remaining sour cream, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa and the remaining sugar (about 3 tablespoons) - stir and in a water bath cook until thick. Then add another 100 g of oil. When the oil dissolves, remove the dishes from the fire. Ready to bake the biscuit, cut it in half and sop it with cream. We fold the cakes and fill it with glaze. We put in the refrigerator for several hours to impregnate and harden the glaze.

Cake "Prague" with sour cream

Instead of a cream based on butter and condensed milk, you can use a cream made of sour cream. To do this, you should refer to the appropriate recipe for the Prague cake in the multivark, which is described below.



Mix 1 glass of sour cream with 0.5 cups of sugar, eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa, vanilla, hydrated soda and 0.5 jars of condensed milk. We knead well, add flour and knead the dough. Pour the mass into the bowl of the multivarka, pre-lubricated with butter and cook for 20 minutes in the "Bake" mode. For a cream we connect 0,5 glasses of sour cream with 0,5 glasses of sugar, well we shake. For the glaze on a water bath, melt the butter, add condensed milk (0.5 jars), 2 tbsp. spoon of cocoa and thoroughly knead it until smooth.

Ready cake cut, cool, well lubricate the cream. Then pour our cake "Prague" with sour cream glaze. We put it in the refrigerator for the night, so that it soaks. Well, in the morning you can start tasting this delicate dessert.