Exercises for weight loss of the sides

Many girls are looking for some very effective exercises for the sides, thinking that you can lose weight only in the right place. However, it has long been proven that burning fat locally is impossible. Performing exercises on the sides, you will only train them and help them to look more attractive.

Complex weight loss of the sides

Exercises and generally any physical activity is something that will perfectly help you to gain harmony. But if you want quick results, you need to approach it in a complex way.

If the problem is in a large number of fat deposits - it is recommended to adhere to the diet for weight loss of the sides. It is best if as a diet you choose the right food - do not overeat, choose light vegetable side dishes, lean meat, sweet eat only until lunch and limited, and of course eat more vegetables and fruits.

Effective exercises for losing weight from the sides

If you are seriously looking for what exercises you can remove the sides, for sure you will be slightly surprised. As already mentioned above, fat can not be burned locally, and if you lose weight, you lose weight entirely, starting with what your constitution requires (most often lose weight from the top down, starting from the chest). That is why effective exercises against the sides are, first of all, aerobic loads.

For effective weight loss you can run, run on the spot or jump with a skipping rope. At the same time, remember that for fat burning you need to run at least 30 minutes, and jump with a skipping rope - at least 20. If you practice these effective techniques on a daily basis, you will lose weight quickly enough.

What exercises to remove the sides?

In exercises for weight loss of the sides, in no case should we use burdening. It is best to practice exercises, which, according to their principle of action, are somewhere between stretching and strength exercises. Doing exercises for the lateral muscles with burdening, you risk increasing the amount of muscles and widening your waist even more. Such exercises are suitable only for men!

In the female complex of exercises for removing the sides, you can include five simple exercises:

  1. Exercise 1 . The legs are wider than the shoulders, the arms are raised, the shoulder blades are folded. Bend one of the arms at the elbow and stretch sideways and slightly back. Repeat 2-3 times. Repeat for the other hand. Then do the same, but for both hands simultaneously.
  2. Exercise 2 . The legs are wider than the shoulders, one hand on the stomach, the other looks away. Smoothly turn in the direction of the arm that lies on the stomach, and stretch to this side, bending the leg from the same side in the knee. Repeat 3 times. Follow the other way.
  3. Exercise 3 . The legs are wider than the shoulders, the body is deployed to one of the legs. One hand at the top, the other at the bottom. Make a lunge, putting your upper hand in front of you, then lower your hand, and raise the other - on the contrary. Perform the exercise at a slow pace, stretching forward 5 times for each side.
  4. Exercise 4 . The legs are wider than the shoulders, the right arm is stretched vertically upward, the left arm is arbitrarily. Make a thrust to the side, crouching on your left leg, and stretch to the side with your hand, which is overhead. Execute 3 times and repeat for the other side.
  5. Exercise 5 . The legs are wider than the shoulders, arms stretched vertically above the head. Lunge aside and tilt the trunk with straight arms to the bent leg. Make sure that your back is flat. How to stretch, try to stay in this position. Perform three times for each side.

In how to get rid of the sides, the exercises in combination with jogging and diet give excellent results. But if you want to see real changes already in the first week, add to this also a total of 30 minutes of torsion of the hoop per day.