Room in the attic

Probably, that many know, as the living room in an attic which is under the roof of the roof is called. François Mansart immortalized his name, the first to think up to the fact that this space can be successfully used not only to store obsolete trash, but also for a normal life. The attics were invented long ago (in 1630), but at first they were occupied only by poor people who could not afford ordinary habitation. But later people of creative professions (artists, poets, actors) appreciated how romantic the room looks in the attic under the roof. A lot of famous people spent in this room the best and most fruitful years, the proximity to open space, the sky, contributed to inspiration.

How to arrange a room in the attic?

In any case, it is necessary to conduct the insulation of the entire roof so that you can feel comfortable here at any time of the year, make a sound and sound floor in the room. After that, we perform finishing works in the building, install electrical wiring and other communications. Also, do not forget about security, because this room is located at a height, and there will be children.

Of course, now you do not fit the usual ladder. Climbing it will be extremely uncomfortable every day. If you plan to visit this room often, then make a safe screw or concrete staircase to the top floor. There are people who decide in this place to arrange for themselves a bathroom or a kitchen. Modern materials allow you to fulfill any options, but in this case, you should take care of the sewerage and water supply, without which our landladies no longer represent their lives.

Room design in the attic

Most of the owners of the house prefer to build a small room for guests, a bedroom or a room for relaxation under the roof. Indeed, it's nice to retire in a quiet room, from which a beautiful view opens down to the neighborhood. There is much more air here than on the lower floors. Teenagers also like attics, they feel freer here. You can quickly easily convert the attic space to the room for the eldest son or daughter by installing a computer, a desk and a small library.

The interior of your room in the attic depends on what you want to equip here. Gypsum plasterboard designs allow to execute walls and a ceiling equal, to establish modern fixtures and electronic devices, having executed all especially in modern style. But some like to see wooden floors and beams, so in the attic of the attic much depends only on your taste.