Is there a caffeine in tea?

Without a cup of fragrant tea, millions of people do not represent their lives. This drink helps to cheer up in the morning and warms on a winter evening, although some of its varieties doctors do not recommend drinking before bedtime, because they can cause problems with falling asleep. If you want to know if there is caffeine in your tea, study its composition.

Is there caffeine in tea?

Whether tea contains caffeine can be outstripped by what sorts of green or black tea are included in its composition. In different grades of black tea, scientists find 30 to 70 mg of caffeine (in a 200 g cup). Green tea contains a little more caffeine (60 to 85 mg), and red - a little less (about 20 mg). If the tea includes additives - herbs, flowers, fruits, etc., this tea is less coffee-containing (20-30 mg).

Caffeine has a complex effect on the body. It excitably acts on the nervous system, accelerates the heartbeat and raises blood pressure. For slimming people, the thermogenic effect of caffeine is important, due to which the processes of burning excess fat are reproached.

In addition to caffeine, tea contains many useful substances - essential oils, minerals and trace elements. In the most complete form, these elements are preserved in green tea, tk. leaves for this drink undergo minimal treatment, and the tea itself is brewed with hot water, and not with boiling water.

Is there much caffeine in tea, compared to coffee?

According to research by scientists, some types of tea and coffee contain about the same percentage of caffeine. However, most coffee is more caffeinated product (80-120 mg).

If you are contraindicated in caffeine or you want to drink a cup of warming tea in the evening, give preference to herbal formulations with minor additions of black or green tea. A minimal invigorating effect is also enjoyed by Puer and white teas .