Egg Diet for 2 weeks

Egg diet for 2 weeks is also called "Maggi", because it was used by the world-famous person - Margaret Thatcher. As the main product, the egg is chosen, it is well deserved, because its composition includes a huge number of substances useful for the normal functioning of the body. And it should be noted that eggs are best absorbed, cooked soft-boiled.

Rules of the egg diet for 2 weeks

Each method of weight loss has its own characteristics, which are important to consider in order to achieve the desired result. If you comply with all the rules, then for 14 days you can lose up to 7 extra pounds, but you need to consider that everything depends on the initial weight.

Features of the egg diet for 2 weeks:

  1. To ensure that the body receives important vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to include fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. The exception is potatoes and beans, as well as bananas, grapes and other sweet fruits.
  2. The menu of the egg diet allows only buckwheat porridge, but other types of cereals are prohibited. In addition, to refuse from baking, sausages, as well as from oil and sugar;
  3. To keep muscle tissue during weight loss, the body must receive protein. For this purpose it is necessary to include poultry meat and lean beef in the menu. It is best to cook the products, cook steamed or baked.
  4. Another important component of losing weight is the support of water balance. For this purpose it is necessary to drink ordinary water, tea without sugar and herbal infusions. The daily volume is 2 liters.
  5. The menu of the egg diet "Maggi" should be built in such a way as to consume food at a certain time, with the break should be no more than 4 hours. The last meal should be no later than 4 hours.
  6. You can not change the menu to your liking. Start the morning with a half grapefruit or orange.

If you violate at least one of the above rules, then you can not get the desired result.

The menu of an excellent diet for 2 weeks

Breakfast for all 14 days is the same - half a citrus and two eggs.

Menu of the first week:

  1. Monday. Dinner consists of any permitted fruit, and dinner is a portion of boiled meat.
  2. Tuesday. At lunch, you need to eat a portion of boiled breast. Dinner menu: vegetable salad consisting of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and sweet peppers, and toast, a couple of eggs and an orange or half a grapefruit.
  3. Wednesday. At lunch you can have low-fat cottage cheese, toast and a few tomatoes, and for dinner - a portion of meat.
  4. Thursday. For lunch, a fruit is allowed, but the dinner menu consists of boiled meat and a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.
  5. Friday. At lunch you need to eat two eggs and boiled vegetables, and for dinner - fish, lettuce and citrus.
  6. Saturday. Dinner consists of fruit, and dinner is from a portion of meat.
  7. Sunday. For lunch it is allowed to eat a portion of boiled breast, vegetables and citrus. With regard to dinner, you can only steam vegetables.

Menu the second week of an egg diet for weight loss:

  1. Monday. Lunch consists of a portion of boiled poultry and salad. For dinner, you can eat two eggs, fresh vegetables and citrus.
  2. Tuesday. The lunch menu is identical to Monday, but for dinner you can have two eggs and citrus.
  3. Wednesday. Meat and cucumbers are allowed for lunch, but dinner is the same as on Tuesday.
  4. Thursday. During lunch, you can afford boiled vegetables, two eggs and low-fat cheese. The dinner menu is very meager - only two eggs.
  5. Friday. Dinner is the same as on Thursday, but lunch consists of a portion of boiled fish.
  6. Saturday. Lunch includes meat, tomatoes and citrus, but for dinner you can have a fruit salad.
  7. Sunday. The lunch and dinner menu is the same: boiled breast, steamed vegetables and citrus.

The main weight loss occurs in the first week, and the second as it fixes the result. To ensure that the weight does not return again, it is recommended to switch to proper nutrition.