Vulvovaginitis in girls

One of the most common diseases of girls from 2 to 9 years of life (sometimes in newborns) is vulvovaginitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the vulva (vulva) and the mucous membrane of the vagina.

Causes of vulvovaginitis

Distinguish between acute and chronic vulvovaginitis. The disease can be asymptomatic, but often girls complain of unpleasant sensations.

Symptoms of vulvovaginitis

  1. In acute form, there is acute burning and pain in the vulva, urination, redness, swelling and the presence of a serous deposit of the vaginal opening, a general malaise.
  2. The chronic form is characterized by abundant mucopurulent discharge from the genital tract, fusion of the labia minora (vulva synechia).

Treatment of vulvovaginitis in girls

At the first signs of the disease, the girl should be shown to the doctor, who first of all finds out the cause of the disease. If there is a foreign body - treatment is reduced to its elimination, with allergies - exclude allergens, when pinworms are detected treatment of helminthiosis in all members of the family is indicated.

Drug treatment is also prescribed depending on the cause of vulvovaginitis, age characteristics and concomitant diseases and includes local and general procedures (diet, bed rest, warm sessile baths with sodium permanganate solution).

At home, you can treat vulvovaginitis with folk remedies. One of the most effective ways is a washing of external genitals and sedentary baths with infusion of a camomile (1 table spoon on 2 glasses of boiled water), dissolved in warm water.