How to get rid of goosebumps?

Ruffy pimples on the skin, called in the people "goosebumps" - is a natural and temporary reaction of the body to cold, euphoria, stress or excitement. If goosebume is a permanent phenomenon, then it is a question of follicular hyperkeratosis.

The causes of the appearance of goosebumps

Hyperkeratosis is a disease accompanied by excessive cornification of the upper layer of the skin. Dead skin particles do not have time to peel off in time, because the hair follicle is covered with a crust of scales, under which the secret of sebaceous glands accumulates. This substance glues flakes and provokes the inflammatory process. As a result, the hairs on the skin on the outside turn red and coarsen. Such a cosmetic defect is easily confused with a shallow acne (pimples). In fact, hyperkeratosis has nothing to do with them.

Among the factors that cause such a disruption of the skin, doctors distinguish:

How to remove goosebumps?

Follicular hyperkeratosis causes a lot of trouble, spoiling the appearance of the skin. However, one hundred percent effective treatment of gooseflesh, which would help everyone, has not yet been invented. But there are many ways that combine to produce a result and return the skin smoothness.

  1. Chemical peeling with glycolic, dairy or fruit acids helps to remove scarred flakes. After cleaning, the treated areas must be treated with a solution of salicylic acid, and then lubricated with a nutritious cream.
  2. The intake of vitamin complexes with A, C and D content, makes it possible to fill their deficiency, which is often the main cause of goosebump.
  3. Visiting a sauna or a bath activates the flow of blood in the follicles, because of which they gradually decrease in size. Chemical peeling is especially effective just after the steam room.

Home remedies

Two ripe oranges cut in half, put them in a saucepan, add water, boil for 10 minutes. With the obtained citrus broth take a bath, and orange crusts are used as a bast, rubbing them with areas with pronounced follicular hyperkeratosis. After the procedure, rub yourself with almond oil.

Getting rid of goosebumps will bring warm baths with sea or ordinary table salt - a bath of a standard size takes 1 kg of salt. The effect appears after a course of 10 to 20 procedures.

Useful for hyperkeratosis is a soft scrub from kefir (sour cream) and salt finely ground. It is applied to the affected areas and is rubbed into the skin with very gentle movements. Salt can be replaced with honey or ground coffee.

Make the skin smooth compresses with a thick slurry, prepared from oat flakes, flaxseed and potato starch.

Folk remedies for goosebumps

How to deal with gooseflesh, folk healers know, which advise taking baths with such medicinal plants as:

Dry raw materials, bought in a pharmacy, in quantity of 5 spoonfuls are poured into a saucepan. The grass is flooded with water, boiled for 10 minutes, and then the resulting broth is poured into a warm bath.

Recipes of traditional medicine are also offered grease gooseflesh with celandine juice or aloe. A good effect gives wraps with algae.

Take care of yourself!

  1. With follicular hyperkeratosis, it is undesirable to sunbathe, as the sun's rays strongly dry the skin.
  2. The use of drying gels for shower and soap is also undesirable - it is better to give preference to mild means and to necessarily moisten the skin after bathing.
  3. Before treating gooseflesh with home scrubs, it is necessary to appear to a dermatologist, who will help to establish the true causes of hyperkeratosis.