Ann Mate Ann Hathaway is not going to sweat in the gym

April 24 Anne Hathaway first became a mother, this joyful event, no matter how hard she tried, reflected on her figure. However, despite the stellar status, which obliges her to be in shape, the actress is not going to throw off excess weight at any cost. This 33-year-old beauty told in her interview.

Happy and confident

The other day, Ann became the talk show host Ellen Degener. Communicating with the host, she stated that the birth of Jonathan changed her critical attitude to her own appearance. She does not want to hang around the clock in the gym, even though she was pregnant, did not miss training.

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Without fanaticism

The new status made her much more self-confident. Previously, she would have complexed, catching glances, studying her imperfect figure. Being engaged in fitness, she chooses the minimal load, does not aspire to records and thus excellently feels herself. Hathaway admitted that in the last month she was at the club only three times.