Jamie Oliver and the Duchess of Camille became participants in the culinary battle

The famous British restaurateur, TV presenter Jamie Oliver and the Duchess of Camille are linked by years of friendship and fruitful cooperation. It is known that a well-known chef and healthy food supporter repeatedly participated in making menus for royal, informal receptions and even personally collaborated with Kate Middleton in charitable projects. Therefore it is not surprising that he became an honored guest at the charity dinner The Great Get Together, organized by the Duchess of Camilla and the funds of The Big Lunch and the Jo Cox Foundation.

Oliver participated in the making of a menu for royal receptions

The culinary battle between Jamie Oliver and the Duchess of Camilla became a comic PR campaign conceived by fund representatives. Restaurateur Hugh Fernley-Whittingstoke kindly provided the kitchen of the London restaurant Clarence House for this. Despite the lightness and comic nature of the culinary battle, the goals of the charity action were more than serious, the campaign was devoted to the fight against hunger and was called upon to raise funds for the implementation of the social project.

Jamie Oliver, Duchess of Camille, Hugh Fernley-Whittingstol

Captcha from Jamie Oliver and the Duchess of Camilla

Hugh Fernley-Whittingstold invited the guests of honor to help his chefs in decorating the capkake. The first who took the responsibility to decorate the capkake with vanilla cream and butterflies, was from Jamie Oliver. For his task, he coped flawlessly, butterflies painted in the colors of the flag of Britain, easily dropped onto the air cream. Duchess Camilla was embarrassed and honestly confessed that cooking is her weak point, but still took a confectionery syringe and with pleasure plunged into the decoration of sweets. Decorating a few croquettes, she noted with coquetry:

Undoubtedly, Jamie turned out better, but I decorate in my own, unique style!
Jamie first began to decorate the capkake

Note that the patron of the organizations The Big Lunch and Jo Cox Foundation, is the Duchess of Camilla, who fully supports the social initiatives of the funds. Thanks to the event The Great Get Together and the funds raised, free picnics for all comers will be organized in London, in the summer of 2017.

Jamie Oliver leads the culinary program

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Duchess of Cambridge and Jamie Oliver - fighters for a healthy diet!

For two years, Jamie Oliver and Kate Middleton are actively involved in projects on healthy eating and "responsible" education. The British portal MyhealthLondon has repeatedly noted their merits and even awarded the title of "Health Hero" for their contribution to the nation's recovery.

Jamie Oliver is a fighter for a healthy diet!

Recall that Oliver himself has a large father and brings up with his wife 5 children. Promoting the theme of a healthy lifestyle is very close to him, so he happily always supports the initiatives of British royalty. Now the famous restaurateur is in the UK TV show about "tasty and healthy food" and every time speaks about the importance of education and the formation of the right habits in food.

The famous restaurateur and chef Jamie Oliver