Baby formula for newborns

The choice of a mixture for newborns is not an easy task, especially since it concerns the nutrition of a very small child with immature intestinal microflora. However, some families face such a problem if the baby's natural feeding is impossible.

Modern breastmilk substitutes are maximally adapted to the needs of children in each age period, however, sometimes, before it is possible to understand which mixture is better to feed a newborn in each specific case, it is necessary to replace several of its analogues.

At the question of which is better to choose a mixture for a newborn, not only parents are lost, but also pediatricians, because the child is too small, and the poet is completely unclear how he will react to the introduction of this dairy product into the ingredients that make up his composition. Unequivocally the doctor in this case will advise to start artificial nutrition with the adapted mixture of a new generation, as well as the appointment of a breast milk substitute will take into account the age of the child, the features of its digestion, allergic predisposition, etc.

How to choose a mixture for newborns?

Today, the baby food market is full of all kinds of mixtures. Milk mixtures for newborns can be dry and liquid. The first means diluting the dry protein powder with hot water, in the second case, a ready-to-use mixture in tetrapacks is available, which can only be heated. The choice in this case depends on how comfortable it is for parents. Liquid usually helps to avoid unnecessary problems with the dilution and dosage of the mixture, which especially helps in trips to serious distances.

On how to choose a newborn mixture, usually tell pediatricians in the hospital if the young mother from the first days has no opportunity to breast-feed the baby. Possible options depend on whether the baby is overweight, if the work of his enzymatic system is set, etc. If there is any health problem, and in connection with the deficit state of the child, the doctor can recommend meals with specialized mixtures (with a large the iron content in case of anemia in the child, for example).

That's what products are most often recommended by pediatricians.

Sour-milk mixtures for newborns

Sour-milk mixtures for newborns can help the intestines in colonization with its beneficial microflora, which has a positive effect on the digestion process. Another advantage is that calcium with such a mixture is better absorbed by the child's body, which is important for children with a deficiency. However, in view of some complexity of protein components in the composition of fermented milk, their administration is not recommended in the first month of life of the child.

Hypoallergenic mixtures for newborns

With artificial feeding, it is not uncommon for newborns to develop allergies to the mixture. Such an organism reaction can be caused by the presence of soy, cow's protein or goat's protein in its composition. The analysis on autoantibody will help to clarify the cause of the allergy, which will allow to choose the hypoallergenic mixture correctly.

Antireflux mixtures for newborns

Feeding a newborn baby with a mixture in a number of cases can provoke disorders from the gastrointestinal tract. Problems of this nature can be manifested not only by constipation in infants, but also by regurgitation, which can be the cause of poor weight gain by the child. Antireflux mixtures for newborns have in their composition substances that promote the thickening of milk, which prevent the release of food back.

Lactate-Free Mixtures for Newborns

Approximately 5% of the newborns digestive system does not have an enzyme that breaks down lactase - sugar contained in cow's and women's milk, which is fraught with the development of intestinal disorders, pain and weight deficit in the child. Lactate-free infant formula allows you to solve this problem and provide a full-fledged diet for a small child without harm to his health.