Unpleasant odor with menstruation

The beginning of the menstrual cycle is marked by the appearance of bloody discharge, called monthly, which complicates the life of every woman a little: you have to use hygiene products and practically refuse sexual relations. Of course, over time, representatives of the weak half of humanity get used to this. But it happens that there are periods with an unpleasant odor. Is it normal or not?

Monthly with a smell - norm or rate

Menstruation is the separation of the inner shell of the uterus - the endometrium. All healthy women have a strong enough smell with monthly, reminiscent of the smell of meat or metal. It is of medium severity and usually does not cause discomfort. However, if the use of a pad or tampon exceeds 4-5 hours, microorganisms begin to multiply in menstrual blood. Especially if a woman for a long time did not wash away the secretions on the external genitalia. And then in the perineum there is a putrid ambre.

In how to get rid of the smell of menstruation, it is important to strengthen the observance of intimate hygiene (washing at least 2-3 times a day and frequent replacement of gaskets). If you are the owner of a sharpened sense of smell and suffer from it, buy deodorized hygiene products.

Monthly with a smell - a pathology

Sometimes women complain of the appearance of menstruation with a rotten smell, reminiscent of the smell of fish. Usually it is bacterial vaginosis. It is also called gardnerellez or dysbacteriosis of the vagina . Disease occurs when, for some reason, the conditionally pathogenic flora, represented by cocci, gardnerella, etc., begins to predominate in the vaginal environment. Such a fish "Aroma" from the genital tract appears on other days of the female cycle. But it is characteristic of its increase in menstruation, in particular, an unpleasant smell appears at the end of menstruation.

Sometimes women notice the appearance of an acidic odor during menstruation. It is a consequence of the development of candidiasis, or thrush, caused by yeast-like Candida fungi. Often the disease is accompanied by itching and burning in the perineum. Later, after the end of menstruation, the woman will have white curd extractions.

In any case, if the odor changes during a period of a month, it is absolutely necessary to contact the gynecologist for examination and delivery of the necessary tests to detect the disease.