Why do menstruation linger?

Probably, every representative of the fair sex at least once faced with the problem of the menstrual cycle, and therefore it would be nice to know the answers to the following questions. Why are they delayed for a month, for how many days they can linger, and most importantly, what to do if such a problem exists.

How long may a month be delayed?

Whether it is necessary to worry, if monthly are late for 1-3 days? Experts believe that such a short delay does not signal any danger to health. Moreover, if the menstruation is delayed for 5 days - this is also considered normal. If the menstruation is delayed for a week, a month, and even more so, it is necessary to think about the reasons for this behavior of your organism.

Why do menstruation linger? Main reasons

  1. The very first reason that comes to mind on the question of why the lingering period is pregnancy is pregnancy. So if the delay is longer than 7 days, then a pregnancy test is necessary, even if you are completely sure of the contraceptive used.
  2. Can the monthly be delayed due to constant stress? Even as they can, depending on the magnitude of the stress experienced, menstruation may be delayed, both for a week and for several years. This is due to the fact that during nervous shocks there is a malfunction in the brain, and as a result, a violation of the proper operation of the uterus and ovaries. If the reason for the delay is stress, then only the resolution of a stressful situation and rest will help.
  3. Another common cause of delay in menstruation is gynecological diseases. This is especially likely if, during critical days, there is a feeling of poor health, allocation, or too abundant or, on the contrary, too small. If there are suspicions of any diseases of the genital area, then the trip to the gynecologist should not be postponed, because in some cases, delay can lead to infertility.
  4. The cause of instability, delay and even a complete absence of menstruation may be the reception of contraceptives. Also, the reason for the delay may be the discontinuation of taking birth control pills.
  5. Delay in menstruation can occur due to malnutrition. So attention, lovers of diets, if you decide to lose weight sharply, then you know, this attitude to your body can cause problems with the menstrual cycle. And the minimum allowable weight for a woman is 45 kg, below this monthly limit may simply not be. Also, a sharp weight loss can lead not only to serious gynecological problems, but also harm the entire body as a whole.
  6. Termination of pregnancy by a female organism is regarded as a great stress, and therefore in this case a cycle violation can also occur. After all, as a result of abortion and damage to the tissues of the uterus, the hormonal balance was disturbed, so in such cases, delays are quite common.
  7. What are the reasons for the delay? Female body is a complex and fragile thing, and therefore any slight change in the life of a woman can cause a cycle failure. So, for example, the reason for the delay of the monthly may be - a change in climate, a lack of vitamins or physical exertion.

What if the menstruation is delayed?

As already mentioned above, the delay of the monthly for 5 days is considered normal, so it is worthwhile to think about taking any measures when this time interval is exceeded.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of pregnancy, for this you can use a pregnancy test or make a blood test in a polyclinic. To ensure the reliability of the results, it is better to purchase several tests from different manufacturers in the pharmacy. The next step that needs to be taken is a visit to the gynecologist. In any case, you can not avoid calling a specialist, so is it worth it to postpone, endangering your own health?