How to pump up the buttocks for a week?

Despite the fact that people are getting better and better at dealing with sports and health issues, trainers still sometimes ask questions about how to pump up the buttocks for a week or how to lose weight only in the buttocks, etc. There are no answers to these questions: to to form a muscle mass, seven days is clearly not enough, and local weight loss is impossible - any person will lose weight entirely, and not in one particular part of the body. About how you can pump beautiful buttocks, this article will be discussed.

How very quickly to pump up the buttocks?

Many believe that to achieve a quick effect, it is enough to practice every day. However, it is not. For maximum acceleration of results it is necessary to follow such principles:

  1. Adjust your diet - eliminate flour and sweet, add cottage cheese, meat, fish, milk and dairy products, cheese and eggs. Without a sufficient amount of protein, muscles can not be strengthened and grow.
  2. Trainings are carried out 3 times a week, and full, to a sense of fatigue, not less than 40 minutes.
  3. In all exercises, use the greatest possible burden for you - ideally the weight of the dumbbells or the bar should be about 6 - 12 kg.

Immediately it is worth mentioning, "very quickly" regarding the buildup of muscle mass - this is from 3 months or more. Of course, the muscles will gradually tighten up and look more attractive, but a really luxurious result will appear in about six months - a year. Set yourself up for a long time and do not believe the tales that muscles can appear on your body in a few days.

The fastest way to pump up the buttocks

So, let's look at the exercises that are recognized as the most effective in shaping beautiful buttocks:

  1. Squats with dumbbells with the retraction of the buttocks back, 3 sets of 15 times.
  2. Squats "Plie" or "Sumo" with widely divorced legs, 3 sets of 15 times.
  3. Raising a straight leg up from the "on all fours" position, 3 sets of 15 times.
  4. Raising the knee bent in the knee up from the "on all fours" position, 3 sets of 15 times.
  5. From the position of "lying on your back with bent knees" separation of the buttocks from the floor - first with the knees apart, then with the reduced ones. In total, 2 approaches are 15 times in that and in another version.
  6. Exercise in the Smith simulator, 3 sets of 15 times.
  7. Exercise in the Gakka machine, 3 sets of 15 times.
  8. Classic attacks with dumbbells, 3 approaches 15 times.
  9. Deep attacks with dumbbells, 3 sets of 15 times.
  10. Putting your foot back in the simulator, 4 sets of 12 times on each leg.
  11. Of these exercises in each workout should take at least half. The more active you work out the muscles, the sooner you will see the result.