How do I exercise?

All doctors and coaches agree that charging is useful for the body and body. It helps to quickly wake up, tone the body, start metabolism and cheer up . In order for the morning workouts to be only beneficial and effective, it is important to know how best to do exercises and what exercises should be included in it. It is important to understand that morning exercises through strength will not bring the desired result.

How do I exercise?

You should start with setting goals, that is, decide what you need to get up early and do the exercises. For example, someone does this in order to lose weight, and others to strengthen immunity.

The rules of how to do exercises in the morning:

  1. The complex should consist of exercises for different muscle groups.
  2. The charging time should not exceed 20 minutes.
  3. Start the lesson with a little warm-up to warm up the muscles.
  4. Exercise best on an empty stomach, which will help start the metabolism and the process of fat burning.
  5. It is important to breathe deeply during exercises, which activates blood circulation and helps to saturate cells with oxygen.

Doing exercises for losing weight should be done regularly, since "casual" training will not bring any result.

Exercises for charging:

  1. Turns and inclinations of the head in different directions.
  2. Circular movements of the hands, shoulders and arms, bent in the shoulders.
  3. Perfect exercise for the upper body - push-ups. You can make them from the knees.
  4. For the press, it is possible to perform lifts of the upper body. Lie on your back, bend your knees and, without straining your neck, climb up so that your chin is looking up.
  5. For pumping the hips and buttocks you need to do sit-ups . It is important that the heels do not come off the floor, and the knees do not go over the socks. Hands can be pulled out in front of you.

Start with 10 repetitions of each exercise and gradually increase the amount.