Metabolic syndrome - how to improve the quality of life?

Metabolic syndrome - one of the burning issues, which is a combination of interrelated pathologies that endanger human life. With this syndrome, lifelong therapy and health monitoring are required.

Metabolic syndrome - what is it?

The set of pathological conditions of the body associated with impaired metabolism and hormonal failure is defined in medicine as a syndrome of metabolic disorders. The incidence is high among the adult population, however these disorders begin to be consistently formed even in childhood, while remaining undetected for a long time.

In recent years, the essence of the concept of "metabolic syndrome" has gradually expanded. At the moment, this term refers to a combination of abnormalities that create soil for the development of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The metabolic syndrome includes such basic pathological components:

Metabolic syndrome - the causes of

The reasons for the metabolic syndrome have not yet been fully explored, but insulin resistance is a central factor in its formation, a disorder in which body cells react inadequately to the action of insulin. Insulin is a hormone synthesized in the pancreas and involved in metabolic processes. When insulin binds to sensitive receptors in the cell walls, glucose is transported to muscle cells and other tissues for use as an energy source.

In cases where cellular receptors remain unaffected by this hormone, glucose can not enter cells and accumulates in the blood, damaging blood vessels and disrupting the work of many organs. Cells of the body because of this lack energy, suffer from dehydration. In addition, there is an accumulation in the blood and insulin itself, which negatively affects the endocrine and other processes in the body.

The resistance of cells to insulin, which provokes the metabolic syndrome, can be associated with the following factors:

Metabolic Syndrome - Symptoms

If we consider more specific criteria for the metabolic syndrome, in most cases, the presence of it in the patient is said when three or more of the following disorders are noted:

In addition to accumulating fatty deposits in the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall and shoulder girdle, the following clinical manifestations can be noted in the syndrome under consideration:

Metabolic Syndrome - Diagnosis

To establish the diagnosis, the metabolic syndrome must be differentiated from pathologies with similar manifestations, for example, the Itenko-Cushing syndrome. Therefore, a thorough examination is conducted, which begins with the collection of anamnesis, fixing complaints, measuring body weight and circumference of the belt. Next, a number of instrumental and laboratory techniques are assigned, among which:

Metabolic syndrome - treatment

Trying to figure out how to treat the metabolic syndrome, it should be understood that it is impossible to completely heal the body in the presence of such disorders, but it is possible to keep them under control by constantly following medical recommendations. The main therapeutic tasks that involve the treatment of metabolic syndrome in women are reduced to four components:

Metabolic Syndrome - Clinical Recommendations

The approach to treatment is individual, depending on the deviations and their extent, but in all cases, patients who have a metabolic syndrome are advised on how to adjust their lifestyle. Patients should tune in to long-term therapy, identify the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, giving up smoking and drinking alcohol. A daily physical load is required, the level of which depends on the patient's condition and age. Preferred are sports such as swimming, walking, running.

Pharmacotherapy may include the use of such medications:

Diet in metabolic syndrome

It is desirable that a diet in the metabolic syndrome in women has been appointed a dietitian with the weight index of the body, the intensity of physical exertion and other indicators. Many patients are recommended to keep a diary of nutrition. Weight loss should be gradual - in a month it is permissible to discard no more than 2-4 kg. The basic rules of a healthy diet for those with a metabolic syndrome are as follows:

Metabolic syndrome - treatment with folk remedies

Carrying out treatment of a metabolic syndrome, many patients resort to the help of alternative medicine. Some herbal products have a hypoglycemic effect, help to establish metabolic processes, normalize the pressure, which is established and confirmed by many years of experience. After consulting a doctor, you can use the following recipe.

Herbal Decoction


Preparation and use:

  1. Prepare the herb collection.
  2. Pour 2 table. spoons of water collection.
  3. Boil for half an hour, insist 20 minutes.
  4. Strain.
  5. Take thrice a day before meals on a glass of broth, adding cinnamon.

Metabolic syndrome - consequences

It is established that in the absence of adequate treatment obesity and metabolic syndrome 10-20 years after the onset of development lead to arteriosclerosis of the vessels. In addition, the progression of this pathology often causes the development of such ailments:

Metabolic syndrome in women

In the post-menopausal period, in connection with the cessation of estrogen production, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome in the female half of the population are diagnosed more often. In addition, the risk of pathology increases during the period of gestation. Complication of these disorders, when there is a significant degree of obesity, can become infertility due to a failure of the ovarian function.

Metabolic syndrome in men

In cases where the necessary correction of the metabolic syndrome is not carried out in male patients, erectile dysfunction may be an unpleasant consequence, which is accompanied by psychological problems. Often the first manifestations of violations are observed in men who have reached the age of forty. In this case, this part of patients is very large risk of limiting blood supply to the heart muscle with a fatal outcome.

Metabolic syndrome in children

In recent years, diagnosis and treatment of the metabolic syndrome are increasingly being used against children and adolescents. Often this is due to improper diet, hypodynamia, genetic predisposition. If you do not respond adequately to violations in childhood, the problem often accompanies later throughout life.

Metabolic syndrome - prevention

Given the serious consequences of the metabolic syndrome, what to do to prevent it, many people are interested. Prevention measures are simple and doable: