Colonoscopy of the intestine - indications, preparation, conduct and alternative methods

Colonoscopy of the intestine is very popular among proctologists. They resort to this procedure when it is necessary to accurately diagnose and prescribe effective treatment. However, it must be properly prepared, otherwise the results will be incorrect.

Colonoscopy - what is this procedure?

This is an instrumental survey method. Used in diagnosing pathologies of the thick and direct intestine. During this research, a special device is used - the colonoscope. Outwardly it resembles a long flexible probe. This instrument has a highlighting eyepiece and a small video camera. This device displays a picture on the monitor. The mechanism itself is simple, but patients are trying to find out, a colonoscopy - what is it. Such interest is justified, because everyone has the right to know what will be done with him during this or that procedure.

Colonoscopy of the intestine opens the following possibilities for the doctor:

  1. At visual inspection the doctor estimates a status of mucous and inflammatory changes.
  2. During the procedure, you can measure the diameter of the intestine and, if necessary, expand a particular area.
  3. Visual inspection helps to detect pathologies (cracks, neoplasms, hemorrhoidal nodules, ulcers and so on).
  4. During the procedure, the proctologist can take tissue for histological examination.
  5. If a visual examination showed that there is bleeding inside, with a colonoscopy it can be removed by exposing the affected area to high temperatures.
  6. During the procedure, you can take a snapshot of the inner shell.
  7. Colonoscopy of the intestine can be accompanied by an operation. During this procedure, the detected tumor is removed.

Colonoscopy without anesthesia

If the procedure is performed without anesthesia, it can be painful. Such an unpleasant sensation is often accompanied by a burning sensation. The very pain is of a short-term nature: it lasts for a few seconds. Occurs when the instrument moves along the intestine. However, a colonoscopy without anesthesia differs tolerable pain. In the intestine there are no nerve endings, so sensations are quite tolerable. In general, the intensity of pain depends on the threshold of sensitivity and other characteristics of the body.

Colonoscopy under anesthesia

The manipulation can be performed under anesthesia. The following methods of anesthesia are available:

  1. Colonoscopy in a dream - during the operation, superficial anesthesia is used (most often this is a drug with a strong sedative effect). The patient is asleep, so he does not have unpleasant sensations.
  2. Colonoscopy of the intestine with local anesthesia - the endoscope tip is lubricated with an anesthetic gel. It has an easy freezing effect, which dulls unpleasant sensations.
  3. Colonoscopy, which is performed under general anesthesia - this procedure is performed in the operating room. Simultaneously with the proctologist, an anesthesiologist is present.

Colonoscopy under anesthesia or without - which is better?

More often patients prefer to give preference to the procedure using an anesthetic. Before she conducts the doctor in detail explains what a colonoscopy in a dream - the pros and cons of what. However, there are a number of cases where the procedure must certainly be performed under general anesthesia:

Additional factors affecting whether anesthesia will be used or not:

Colonoscopy - indications

The procedure is often used. Colonoscopy of the intestine, with or without anesthesia, is performed in such cases:

Colonoscopy of the impassable intestine can also be performed. To this procedure resorted to with the suspicion of the following diseases:

However, there are a number of circumstances when a colonoscopy is not performed. Here are the limitations:

Colonoscopy of the intestine - preparation for the procedure

The result depends on the correctness of the procedure. Preparation for colonoscopy is represented by the following activities:

Diet Before Colonoscopy

A few days before the upcoming procedure, you need to switch to a sparing diet. When there is a colonoscopy, what can you eat:

How to prepare for a colonoscopy: one day before the procedure should go to a "liquid" diet. In the diet should be such dishes:

When there is a colonoscopy, the preparation includes a refusal of food, which promotes bloating, flatulence and causes fermentation. These are the food products:

Purification of the intestines before colonoscopy

At this stage, the patient is prescribed laxatives. You need to take them, accurately given the dosage. Such laxatives are more often prescribed:

  1. Fortrans before colonoscopy - the drug is available in powder form. Sold in bags. Take should be based on one sachet for 20 kg of weight. The required number of bags is dissolved in 3 liters of cold drinking water. Laxative fluid should be taken portion by day.
  2. Lavakol - is available in the form of powder. The contents of one sachet are calculated for 5 kg of weight. The powder should be dissolved in 250 ml of water. You should drink this laxative every 20 minutes.
  3. Dufalac - 200 ml of the drug diluted with 2 liters of water. To drink such a laxative should be a couple of hours after eating.
  4. Endofalk - take medication immediately after eating.
  5. Flit Phospho-soda - a 50 ml solution is taken on a cup of water. Take a laxative should be after breakfast and dinner. In the intervals during the day it is important to drink plenty of water and consume soups.

Colonoscopy - what to take with you?

Going to the procedures, patients need to have a standard set of things. Preparation for colonoscopy of the intestine provides that the hospital should take with you the following:

How to prepare for a colonoscopy under anesthesia?

For the procedure to pass without complications, it is important to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations. If a colonoscopy with sedation is planned, you need to properly prepare for manipulation. It includes the following actions:

How are colonoscopy done?

The procedure is done in a special office. During its conduct, there should be no strangers in the room. Colonoscopy of the intestine is performed as follows:

  1. The patient lies on the couch on his left side and presses his knees to his stomach.
  2. He is put on an oxygen mask (in the case when the procedure is done under general anesthesia).
  3. The doctor waits for anesthesia to work. Then a probe is inserted into the intestine.
  4. The device is slowly and gently propelled inward. An image is displayed on the monitor. If during the procedure you need to take tissues for histological examination and perform a surgical procedure, at this stage all these manipulations are performed.

The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes. Even knowing how to prepare for a colonoscopy and if the manipulation will be performed by a highly qualified specialist, no one is immune from complications. More often such side effects are observed:

  1. The perforation of the intestinal wall - a complication occurs only in 1 of 100 cases. Chances increase when there are ulcers on the mucosa. In the event of such complications, an operation is performed to restore the damaged areas.
  2. There are bleeding - in this case, requires cauterization of the intestine or injected adrenaline.
  3. If during the procedure the tissues were taken or polyps were removed, painful sensations are possible. Anesthetics will help to cope with them.

What causes Colonoscopy of the intestine?

This procedure is very in demand. Here is what the colonoscopy shows:

Colonoscopy - alternative methods

This procedure can not be considered indispensable. If the colonoscopy can not be performed, the alternative is represented by such research methods:

  1. Rectoromanoscopy - used to diagnose rectal pathology. The tool is inserted to a depth of 30 cm.
  2. MRI of the intestine - this method is sometimes called a "virtual colonoscopy". During the study, a special scanner is used. This tool allows you to take pictures of the abdominal cavity and displays the resulting three-dimensional image on the monitor screen.
  3. Irrigoscopy - a contrast medium is injected into the patient's body, followed by an X-ray examination. The disadvantage of this method is that it can not detect a tumor at its initial stage.
  4. Ultrasound of the intestine - this research is distinguished by its availability, painlessness and safety. However, the method is not very informative. After the detection of pathological formations, more research is usually given.
  5. Capsular colonoscopy - during the procedure, the patient swallows the endocapsule. It passes through the entire digestive tract, removes everything from the inside, and then is removed from the feces. This method is considered informative, but the procedure is expensive.