Enteritis - treatment

Therapy of any disease directly depends on the timeliness of the measures taken. Especially it concerns the pathologies of digestion, as they tend to change into a chronic form. As a rule, the diagnosis of violations at an early stage sometimes allows you to do without even medication. For example, it is quite easy to eliminate enteritis-treatment, for the most part, consists in observing the diet and normalizing the stool.

Treatment of enteritis with drugs

Depending on the cause of the inflammatory process, different medications are prescribed. Infectious pathogens suggest the use of antibiotics, to which microorganisms are sensitive (stability is determined after a blood test). Viruses respond well to therapy through immunomodulators and stimulants of the body's defenses.

Uncomplicated acute enteritis is subject to hospitalization. In the hospital, the patient is recommended bed rest and correction of the diet - a gentle diet with a limited content of fats and carbohydrates, especially easily assimilated, as well as abundant fluid intake.

To stabilize the consistency of stool masses, astringents are used (Levomecitin, Loperamide), polypeptide solutions (infusions). If there is toxic poisoning, it is possible to use sorbents.

Chronic enteritis is also treated in a hospital environment, but the process takes a longer time (from 7 days).


Correction of microflora is necessary for the treatment of acute and chronic type of disease, for this purpose, probiotics and eubiotics are prescribed, as well as enriching the diet with natural sour-milk products.

It is important to note that if you keep a dog and treat it for parvovirus enteritis, you must follow preventive measures:

Treatment of chronic and acute enteritis with folk remedies

Non-traditional methods are used as maintenance therapy. Antiseptic, enveloping and weak adsorbing properties are possessed by broths of the following medicinal herbs: