Intersectional tattooing

Intersectional tattooing looks much more natural than other types of permanent make-up . The same hands with unvarnished eyelashes look weird, and after all we make a tattoo just to make it less, or even to give up decorative cosmetics altogether! Let's discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of the procedure of intermittent tattooing with feathering.

Pros and cons of intermittent eye tattooing

Intermittent tattoo of the eyelids can be made in the form of a dense arrow along the edge of the growth of the eyelashes, or else it is carried out by the method of shading. In the first variant, the effect will be more noticeable and bright, in the second - much more natural. And in that, and in another case, such permanent make-up has many advantages:

The shortcomings of permanent make-up in the inter-zone zone include:

How is the tattoo of the intermittent space with feathering?

The procedure itself does not take much time, but preparatory preparation matters. The tattoo with the intermittent arrow and made in the technique of shading do not differ much in the procedure:

  1. The master applies an anesthetic to the peeled skin, for example Emla cream , after which you remain in the position with closed eyes and eyelids under the film for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. Master removes excess ointments and starts working with a machine from the outer edge of the upper eyelid. Preliminary drawing of a tattoo is not required - the pigment is hammered strictly into the intermittent space, without leaving the edge of the eyelash growth.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the eyelids are treated with an antiseptic solution and an ointment that removes the edema.
  4. During the first week or two, the pigment will be brighter than in the future, besides, the likelihood of swelling and redness is high. After 4-5 days the eyelids will begin to peel off, crusts will appear. They can not be removed, you can only wipe with Chlorhexodine. Complete healing occurs in a month.