Eschsolcia - planting and care

This beautiful flower has several other names. The first is the "Californian poppy", after all, California is the birthplace of Escholtcia. The second, the popular name - "wormwood", because the leaves of eshsol'tsii really look a bit like wormwood. This flower can have a different coloring, and with its flowering eschsolcia will delight you from summer to mid-autumn.

How correctly to sow escholtsy?

This flower is not at all finicky with respect to the ground, it will not even frighten the dry sandy soil. But there are contraindications: moist and acidic soil, fresh manure instead of fertilizer. Cultivation of eschólcia is made from seeds that are harvested from the fruits of the plant. After collection, they can be stored no more than 2-3 years, otherwise they will lose their ability to germinate.

Consider when it is better to sow an eshsol'tsiyu, because there are two options: the middle of October and the early spring (April). If you decide to plant in the spring, then it is good to keep the seeds in a cool place, even in the refrigerator, if it is far from the freezer. But, if you still plant flowers in the fall, then you can achieve an earlier and abundant flowering.

When growing an eschólcia, there are several variants of how to plant seeds:

  1. Some gardeners plant seeds directly on melted snow, but the crops are then covered with mulch .
  2. You can still grow and under glass, after transplanting into peat-humus pots, which are then transferred to the right place.
  3. With a normal planting in the ground, the seeds need to be pressed into the ground, because they are very small.

Such complexity is caused by the fact that because of the roots of eschólcia, it can not be propagated by seedlings. After all, this flower is from arid places, so the roots quickly develop and go deeper into the soil. The transplant will only hurt. When eshsol'tsiya, this polusteljushchujushchy a bush, will blossom, it can breed independently self-seed, after all seeds will very easily drop out from fruits.

Eschólcia: growing and grooming

And so, we planted flowers of eschólcia, now we will consider how their cultivation takes place. After planting seeds, the shoots will have to wait 10 days or about two weeks. After the plant has 4-5 leaflets, it is necessary to make the distance between seedlings 15-25 cm (depending on the height of the flower). To admire the flowers, after the emergence of sprouts, you can days in 35-40.

After the planting of the escholla is made, it is also necessary to take care of it simply:

  1. To eshsoltsiya blossom well, it should be in a sunny place, and not in the shade.
  2. Bushes should be watered regularly, but not very often, otherwise it will damage the flower, down to the rotting of its individual parts. It is best to water in the evening, when the flowers have already closed.
  3. Fertilizers are very useful, it is best to supplement eshsolcium with mineral fertilizers even before the beginning of flowering.
  4. It should be protected from bean aphid or spider mite in dry weather. Also, there are viral infections that lead to the mincing of bushes. If any of the above happens, it is best to remove the infected eschcolt flowers before the disease has spread to the healthy ones.
  5. If you want the eshculcia to bloom longer - cut the fruit-boxes and buds that have faded. And if you cut flowers themselves, when they have not yet blossomed, then putting them in water, you can admire them for about three days.

As follows from the above, it can not be said that eshsol'tsiya requires some very special care. And finally, although eshsol'tsiya multiplies by self-sowing, if you need seeds, then they need to be collected from the pod-shaped fruit-boxes, after they turn yellow. Seed ripening occurs somewhere in 25-30 days after flowering.