Prophylaxis of myopia

Myopia (myopia) is a visual defect in which its sharpness decreases. A person can see things close to them, but the distant ones blur out, they are not clearly visible.

Measures to prevent nearsightedness

It is impossible to fully insure against the development of myopia. However, adherence to preventive measures helps to reduce the risk of developing myopia, which is especially important with a hereditary predisposition to the disease, and in addition to slowing down the progress of the already developed disease to some extent. These methods include:

  1. Observance of the regime of visual loads (minimum five-minute break after every 30-45 minutes of work).
  2. When reading, writing, working at a computer, etc. it is necessary to follow the posture, and the workplace should be well lit.
  3. Special gymnastics for the eyes.
  4. Reception of complexes of vitamins and minerals: first of all vitamins A, B1, B6, B12 and trace elements such as calcium, silicon and potassium.
  5. Gymnastics, running, swimming. Power sports and lifting weights in the case of myopia are contraindicated.

Exercises for the prevention of myopia

Special gymnastics for the eyes , helping to relieve tension, and avoid spasm of the muscles of the eye, which can occur with prolonged focusing on a closely located object, is considered one of the most effective measures for the prevention of myopia:

  1. Close your eyes and gently massage them with your fingertips. In addition, the following simple action helps to relax easily: close your eyes with your hands and sit for a few minutes.
  2. For 1-2 minutes, blink - quickly, but without undue tension. This helps improve blood circulation.
  3. Exercises with a point. On the window glass at eye level, put a large point marker (or glued cut out of paper). Choose a distant object outside the window, look at it for a few seconds, then focus the view on the point, then again on the distant object.
  4. To drive a look up and down, then left to right, with a maximum amplitude, holding the view in the extreme position for 1-2 seconds. The head and neck should be still, only the eyes move. Then "draw" look circles, on and counter-clockwise, vertical and horizontal eight, carry the diagonals of the square. Each exercise is performed 10-15 times or more.
  5. I squeeze my eyes shut for a few seconds, then open my eyes, blink a few times, squeeze my eyes shut again.

Exercises to "draw" different shapes are best done with your eyes closed, so that your eyes do not focus on foreign objects. After doing gymnastics it is advisable to sit for 1-2 minutes with closed eyes and blink.