Atony of the bladder

Atony of the bladder (in the people - urinary incontinence ) is characterized by a weakening of the tonus of the walls of the bladder. This is a fairly common disorder, but most often this pathology is temporary, and begins to harass a woman as a result of the action of provoking factors such as:

In addition, atony of the bladder often develops in older women and menopausal women.

Symptoms of atony of the bladder

The classic symptom of atony of the urinary bladder is urinary incontinence. Incontinence is present mainly with the tension of the abdominal muscles (with coughing, sneezing, ambulance, physical exertion). Depending on the severity of the impairment of the tone, the urine may slightly "leak" or be released in significant amounts.

The urge to urinate with atony of the bladder may be completely absent or be felt only by the weight in the lower abdomen. There is also a sudden occurrence of urges, so sudden that a woman simply does not have time to reach the toilet.

A characteristic symptom of atony of the bladder in women is also a direct disorder of the act of urination:

Basics of treatment of atony of the bladder

The scheme of treatment of atony of the bladder is determined depending on the severity of the pathology, incontinence, the age of the woman, concomitant diseases, etc.

There are the following methods of treating atony of the bladder:

  1. Strengthening gymnastics, for women more commonly known as Kegel exercises - exercises, are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor.
  2. Diet, excluding those products that have an irritant effect on the bladder. It in particular: alcohol and dairy products, caffeine and chocolate, citrus and tomatoes, a variety of spices and spices.
  3. Behavioral therapy, the essence of which - in compulsory emptying of the bladder according to a predetermined schedule.
  4. Drug treatment. When atony of the bladder, drugs from groups are prescribed: antidepressants, calcium antagonists, myotropic drugs, anticholinergics or their combinations.
  5. Symptomatic therapy is performed using a medical device - pessary, which, if necessary, is inserted into the vagina to create additional pressure.
  6. Physiotherapeutic procedures aimed at stimulating the functioning of the bladder.
  7. If conservative treatment of atony of the bladder does not bring the desired effect, surgical intervention is necessary. The operation is not complicated, its purpose is to correct the wrong position of the urinary organs.

Atony of the bladder after childbirth

Postpartum urinary incontinence is observed in many young mothers, but only a small part of them tell their doctor about the problem. It is not necessary to worry once again: the atony of the bladder that has arisen after the birth is often temporary and in most cases passes independently in a few weeks (maximum a few months) after the birth of the baby.

Treatment of postpartum atony of the bladder, as a rule, is not required, the only thing that will help the young mother regain her bladder tonus is a special gymnastics, the essence of which is the tension and relaxation of the muscles of the pelvic floor.

But if within a few months after childbirth the atonic bladder stubbornly darkens the life of a woman - it is worth turning to a gynecologist to find out the cause of urinary incontinence and the selection of appropriate treatment. Perhaps to eliminate the atony will need electrostimulation or minimally invasive surgery.