Treatment for menopause

Climax is a natural period in the life of every adult woman. At this stage, the functions of the ovaries are dying out, the ability to procreate is lost, and the production of sex hormones is almost completely stopped. Unfortunately, climacteric syndrome causes a number of unpleasant symptoms, which are subject to complex treatment. Consider in this article how to facilitate menopause, to help the body with menopause and what is best to drink from the variety of medicines presented.

Treatment for menopause: homeopathic drugs

Usually, homeopathic remedies for menopause are prescribed for the treatment of the following signs of the syndrome:

It is worth noting that more serious problems, such as osteoporosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system, such medicines can not be solved.

The most effective means:

  1. Mikaltsik.
  2. Climaco Grande.
  3. Climadinone.
  4. Benefis.
  5. Climakto-Plan.
  6. Climeded.
  7. Xidifon.
  8. Alfa DZ-Teva.

The above drugs have a direct effect on the endocrine system of the body, contribute to the normalization of the hormonal background. In addition, the presented homeopathic medicines allow to strengthen the nervous system and protect the mucous membranes of the genital organs from dystrophic alterations.

Hormone therapy with menopause - treatment and drugs

During climacteric syndrome there is a sharp deficit of estrogens in the woman's blood, which causes most painful symptoms. For the relief of menopause hormonal preparations of two types are used:

  1. Estrogen containing.
  2. Combined remedies that contain estrogen and progesterone.

Hormone replacement therapy works well for severe menopause and difficult to treat symptoms.

There are a number of contraindications for the intake of hormones:

Admission of any hormonal medication in menopause should be carried out under regular supervision of the doctor for timely correction of the course if necessary.

List of the most effective drugs:

  1. Divina.
  2. Vero-Danazol.
  3. The Climart.
  4. The individual.
  5. Divissek.
  6. Tibolon.
  7. Midian.
  8. Angelique.
  9. Tricequence.
  10. Premarine.
  11. Triaclim.
  12. Pause.
  13. Norkolut.
  14. Ovestin.
  15. Klimodien.

Herbal remedies for menopause

Phytopreparations in menopause perform the functions of substitution therapy. The lack of estrogen in this case is compensated with the help of phytoestrogen - a natural substance similar in structure to the human sex hormone. Plus plant remedies is that they show high efficiency, especially in the early stages of menopausal syndrome, but are absolutely safe. Unlike hormonal drugs, phytopreparations do not harm the liver and do not affect the metabolism.

Most Popular:

  1. Remens.
  2. Estrovel.
  3. Qi-Klim.
  4. Menopace.
  5. Lefem.

Preparations for artificial menopause

Artificial menopause is a method of treatment for uterine myomas, endometriosis and other serious diseases of the reproductive system.

In medical practice, the following medicines are used:

  1. Buserelin.
  2. Diferelin.
  3. Zoladex.
  4. Lyukrin.
  5. Norkolut.
  6. Danazol.

Treatment should be conducted under the supervision of a doctor and according to his recommendations.