Flat condyloma - causes and treatment in women

After infection with the papilloma virus, flat warts do not immediately appear on the body. This formation is localized on the mucous membranes, often affects the genital tract. Lack of timely treatment, violation of the prescribed treatment regimen can cause the transformation of condyloma into a cancerous tumor.

Condylomata in women - the causes of

The causative agent of this disease is human papillomavirus , HPV. Condylomas in women and men arise as a result of its appearance in the body. A favorite place of localization is the cervix, labia, penis. As the progression of pathology is not ruled out by the appearance of genital warts not only in intimate places , but also on the hands, neck, and chest. Education in itself is a slight rise above the level of the epidermis, slightly flattened.

Calling flat warts HPV refers to DNA-containing viruses. In the course of numerous studies, more than 100 types and modifications of this pathogen have been identified. Some of these viruses have a high oncogenic activity - it provokes the development of tumors. Directly 16 and 18 types of HPV, which are included in the above-named group, and are the cause of the appearance of flat condyloma. Among the factors that cause the activation of the virus in the body of a woman:

Condylomata in women - symptoms

Diagnosis of the disease in the early stages is complicated by the fact that many patients do not represent the main manifestations of pathology: how does the condyloma look like in women, what they represent - most do not know. In addition, there is an incubation period. Since the virus enters the body before the first symptoms appear, it may take several months or even years. The pathogen may be inactive for a long time.

With the weakening of immunity, condylomatosis develops, the symptoms of which are the damage to the surface layer of the skin. During the growth of education, which takes no more than 6 hours, a woman may notice slight itching and burning in the affected area (genitalia, anus). After this, flat warts are formed in women whose photos are located below. Their size does not exceed 3 mm. The formations have a bubble surface, outwardly they resemble cauliflower. Often, condylomas form a thin leg, tend to merge.

What is dangerous condyloma?

The growth of condylomas occurs inside the epithelial layers, causing characteristic changes. Given the location of localization, where condyloma is formed, women's internal genital organs are at risk. Flat condyloma of the cervix is ​​a frequent variant of the disease. Concern about this form of pathology in doctors causes a high risk of degeneration of education into a tumor. Women with a diagnosed presence of HPV in the body are at risk for developing cervical cancer .

Condylomata in women - treatment at home

Telling how to treat condylomata in women, doctors pay attention to the fact that the general, universal scheme of therapy of the disease does not exist. It is impossible to completely exclude HPV from the body, which is contained in the blood stream, so doctors direct the treatment to minimize skin manifestations and symptoms of the disease. Treatment at home should be done under the supervision of a doctor, subject to its recommendations. Therapy necessarily includes the use of antiviral agents:

In order to activate immunity, the administration of immunostimulants is prescribed:

To stop the growth and development of new foci of genital warts, creams and ointments are used:

How to remove condylomas?

If conservative therapy does not rule out condylomatosis, treatment is carried out by a radical method - surgery. Multiple warts in women, whose treatment is difficult, is subjected to removal. The method and method of operation is determined according to the extent of the lesion, the amount of condyloma and their localization. Flat warts can be surgically removed in several stages, with a consistent evaluation of the effect achieved. Among the methods of operative treatment of genital warts:

Removal of condyloma with laser

Long before the warts are removed from women, doctors conduct a full diagnosis and determine the exact localization and extent of lesions. Often, laser therapy is used as a method. This method of surgical treatment presupposes a pinpointing of the laser beam directly on the lesion site. The procedure is practically painless and leaves no traces. Non-contact exposure to the source leads to burning out of the build-up. This method is effective and minimally invasive. The probability of development of bleeding is absent - the laser beam cauterizes small blood vessels.

Removal of condyloma by radio waves

Flat condylomas in women are excellent for treatment with radio wave therapy. This method involves exposure to the location of damage to radio waves of high frequency. Under their influence there is a rapid destruction of formations, with no pain during the procedure. As a result, there is a rapid regeneration of tissues, without the formation of surgical intervention of scar tissue on the site of surgery (it is especially important for surgery on the cervix).

Removal of condyloma with nitrogen

This method is the most common and available. Removal of flat condylomata of the cervix is ​​performed by doctors using this technique. Its essence lies in the development of affected areas with formations of liquid nitrogen. The effect of low temperature for a few seconds leads to the gradual death of genital warts, causing them to reverse development. At the site of cauterization there is a small crust that leaves on its own in a few days and leaves no traces.

Recommendation after cauterization of flat condyloma

To flat warts of the uterus did not appear again, doctors advise to adhere to certain rules. Immediately after the operation to remove during the week, a woman should undergo a wash several times a day. To do this, use neutral hygiene products or wash only with water. When carrying out the toilet, it is worth considering the possible appearance of bloody discharge of a small volume.

In general, after surgery, there is an increase in the volume of vaginal discharge, but they should not change color, character. The appearance of impurities, a change in color to yellow, green or brown indicates a possible infection. To prevent this, you must:

  1. Abstain from sexual intercourse during treatment.
  2. After each wash, use a clean towel.
  3. Wash the hygiene product in the direction from the vagina to the perineum.