How does IVF fertilization take place?

ECO is one of the methods of artificial insemination that helps married couples conceive a baby in cases of male or female infertility. Due to the fact that the IVF procedure is quite long and time consuming, it is resorted to when all other ways of solving the problem turned out to be unsuccessful.

ECO - stages of fertilization

Before going directly to the IVF fertilization process, a man and woman undergo a comprehensive examination. This includes:

Depending on the parameters of the spermogram, the doctor determines how exactly the egg will be fertilized with IVF (conventional or ICSI method). From the hormonal background and the state of the internal organs of the woman will depend on the scheme of stimulation of the ovaries, the appointed terms.

Actually, after having found out all the nuances, a multi-stage IVF fertilization process is launched, the process of which basically consists of the following stages:

  1. The first and most significant stage is the stimulation of ovulation . Unlike the natural cycle, under the influence of gonadotropic drugs in the ovaries several follicles are ripening at once. The greater the number of eggs received at times, the chances of conception increase.
  2. The next, no less important stage of IVF is the removal of mature eggs from the female body. As a rule, such a procedure is performed under general anesthesia by the method of piercing the abdomen in the region of the ovaries.
  3. The quality of sperm has a great influence on the subsequent actions. Depending on the parameters, two methods of fertilization of the egg obtained with IVF are used: usual - mix spermatozoa with eggs, or the ICSI method - with a special needle, spermatozoa are injected directly to the egg. If fertilization has occurred, the most successful zygotes are left under observation for up to six days.
  4. The final stage of fertilization is the transfer of the best embryos to the uterine cavity. Then comes the most exciting period of expectation of results.

To find out whether pregnancy has come or not it is possible already in 10-14 days after introduction. And before that, a woman is recommended physical and sexual rest, a maintenance therapy is prescribed.