Why do the nipples harden?

Male and female orgasms, despite the same name, have many differences. If the men on this account is simple, and with the end of sexual intercourse (ejaculation), he feels full satisfaction, then not every sex in women ends with orgasm.

As you know, during an intimate relationship in women there is a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. This phenomenon in turn leads to the fact that the clitoris, which is internally very similar to the penis, increases in size and swells. At the same time, nipples harden, but why it happens in women during sex - not all ladies know. Let's try to understand such a sensitive issue.

Why do nipples harden when excited?

To give an exhaustive answer to this question, let us turn to the anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the mammary glands in women.

As you know, this body is densely equipped with nerve endings that braid muscle structures. It is the latter and ensure the advancement of milk along the ducts during lactation. However, any touch to the chest causes a contraction of the muscle fibers, so this happens not only when the baby is breastfed.

This phenomenon is also noted during sexual intercourse, when the partner gently strokes the female breast. Such actions, as a rule, prepare a female organism for sexual contact, tk. The mammary glands have an interrelation with the reproductive system, the vagina in particular. The latter thus begins to gradually increase in size, due to the smoothing of the skin folds that are present in its walls. At the same time, the labia majora swell, and the small ones become firm and resilient, resembling rollers. This is necessary in order to increase the entrance to the vagina, and thereby reduce the pain during sexual intercourse.

If we speak directly about why women's nipples harden with intimate caresses, then first of all it is necessary to say about the large number of nerve endings that they contain. They, irritated, produce a nerve impulse, and thus give a signal to the muscle structures to contract. At the same time, the blood flow to the mammary gland increases, as a result of which it becomes a bit rough, and the nipple hardens. In some literary sources, one can find a term such as "erection of the nipples", which is compared with the erection of the penis in men. In other words, this phenomenon is a kind of indicator of sexual arousal.

In what other situations do women have nipples hardening?

However, it should also be said that the hardening of the nipples can be observed in the absence of excitation, as a result of exposure to the body cold, as well as in cases where the underwear has a somewhat larger size and when walking rubs the surface of the nipples. As a rule, this phenomenon does not last long, and already in 2-3 minutes the nipples take their former form.

There is also such a phenomenon as a sudden erection of nipples in women. The reasons for its development have not been studied. In this case, girls who are marked with this, say that the nipples harden by themselves, regardless of their thoughts and feelings. Such an erection of the nipples does not last long, but it can be noted several times during one day.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, the main reason that serves as an explanation of why girls have nipples hardens is sexual arousal. Typically, this gives the woman a lot of fun and is an integral part of orgasm in the fair sex.