Jam from cones - good and contraindications

A beautiful spruce, a nurse, a defender, a healer, a majestic beauty and joy of woodlands. In addition, it is far from being useful to people. For example, there is jam from spruce cones, contraindications from which are observed in rare cases, and the utility with it is difficult to compare. The benefits and contraindications of jam from spruce cones will be discussed below.

Exceptional advantages

It contains an inexhaustible deposit of the purest ecological vitamins, amino acids, microelements, mineral salts. These gifts of nature preserve the human race a healthy life. Absence and deficiency of which in the diet is fraught with dangerous consequences: scurvy, avitaminosis, anorexia, dystrophy, scoliosis, rickets are the enemies of a happy life.

Etheric resins contained in seeds are activators of the metabolic process, normalization of intestinal peristalsis. Penetrating into the blood and lymph they clean, like disinfectants: remove, remove slags, clean stenotic plaques of the walls of blood vessels.

Speaking about what else is useful jam from spruce cones, it also satiates, enriches muscle tissues with energy resources, restores lost strength after heavy operations, is an indispensable antibiotic and wound healing component.

Scientific, laboratory research provides 100% guarantee of safety of eating this product and confirm its medicinal properties, usefulness for strengthening immunity and nerves and as a natural antidepressant.

The benefit of jam from spruce cones is not only in saving money for buying anti-cold and bactericidal drugs. The benefit is that the preparation of jam is simple (and the efficiency and benefit is simply huge) is brewed as available types: walnut, chestnut, quince, cornelian. Instead of sugar, use honey, in the ratio: 1 cup (200 ml) for 5-6 young fruits. Choose tight, unclouded cones, so that inside there are nucleoli, and scales have a closed appearance.

Benefits and harm of jam from cones

Some praise him to the skies, consider it a panacea for curing diseases. Others are skeptical about jam from spruce cones and are afraid of an unknown delicacy. And the taiga people cooked like a brew from ancient times. They cook it even today according to recipes, time-tested and passed on from generation to generation.

It is undesirable to use this jam for people with kidney disease, hepatitis in acute stage, pregnant women, women during lactation and people over 60 years of age.

Still it categorically can not be used by people with allergies prone to food allergies. For check it is better to address to the dietician and the allergist and to pass the test for compatibility with a product.