How to cook venison?

Venison is tender meat, which is very popular among northern peoples. It is useful and very appreciated for the fact that the dishes cooked from it turn out to be tender and juicy. If you have such a delicacy in the kitchen, and you do not know what and how to cook from venison, then pay attention to the following interesting recipes.

Deer chops



How to fry venison? We take the pulp, washed and cut into thick pieces. Then lightly beat off with a hammer. Garlic let through the press, add mustard, sesame seeds and mix. Each piece of meat is salted, peppered to taste and smeared with cooked sauce on both sides. Next, lay the meat on a hot pan and fry from both sides to a golden color!

Venison with cowberry sauce



Meat venison lightly beat off the hammer, then salt and pepper to taste. Then spread the mushroom eggs on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Now gently wrap the meat roll and fry in a pan on both sides until ready. To the meat juice, which remained after the frying of venison, we add the flesh of tomato and fresh cowberry. Well boil it, add salt to taste. We wipe the sauce through a sieve.

Put the meat on the dish, pour the sauce. We decorate with fresh berries, greens and serve to the table. Well, that's all, venison with cranberries is ready!

Venison with potatoes



How delicious to cook venison? So, the meat is sliced ​​across the fibers, beaten with a hammer and cut into thin strips. Then strips of venison are dried on a towel and quickly fried in a pan before browning. Then shift them to a plate and leave to cool.

Fry the finely chopped potatoes, onions and garlic in a frying pan. Then pour the slices of mushrooms and continue to cook for 5 more minutes.

We pour wine, broth and put sour cream. Starch is bred in cold water and added to gravy. Season with spices and salt to taste. In the finished sauce we put fried strips of venison and stew for 10 minutes on low heat. We serve the prepared dish on the table, sprinkled with finely chopped greens.

Beef Stroganoff from venison



Rice boil until ready, then drain the water, and, until it has cooled down, put it back in a saucepan, covered tightly with foil.

Onions with garlic finely chopped and fried for about 10 minutes in a large frying pan until golden brown, put into a plate. Cut venison meat into strips, salt, pepper to taste. Mushrooms cut into plates and lightly fry in olive oil. Then add the pieces of venison to them and continue to fry all this for about 5 minutes. Lastly, add chopped parsley and cooked roast. All mixed and put a piece of butter.

Now carefully pour brandy into the frying pan and ignite it. We wait, when alcohol will burn, we add sour cream and grated peel of a lemon. Close the lid and stew until complete. The dish is served to the table with rice, decorating everything with cucumber slices and chopped parsley.