Diet for blood type 1

The oldest (first) blood group is the progenitor of all other groups. 32% of all people on Earth are representatives of this group. They are self-confident, show leadership qualities, they have strong immunity. Their ancestors were hunters, the basis of their diet was meat, the menu of modern "hunters" is also being developed with this account.

Diet for people with 1 blood group completely excludes vegetarianism, since a strong digestive tract allows these people not to deny themselves meat. But in the diet should prevail low-fat varieties, by-products, poultry, fish and seafood. Non-acid fruits, vegetables, legumes and buckwheat groats are welcome. It is necessary to limit the use of cereals, especially oatmeal (slowing metabolism), products made of wheat Bread can only be consumed rye and in small quantities. From drinks will benefit: herbal teas, teas from rose hips, ginger, mint, licorice, linden, green tea is very useful. Sometimes you can drink beer, red and white wine.

Do not include cabbage (except broccoli), ketchup, marinades, corn and products made from it, potatoes, citrus fruits, ice cream and sugar in your diet. Avoid coffee and strong drinks.

To increase the effectiveness of the diet for 1 blood group, it is necessary to include in the diet products with high iodine content (iodized salt, seafood, seaweed), foods high in vitamin K: cod liver, eggs, fish oil, algae.

A diet for group 1 blood is suitable for people with both positive and negative Rh factor.