Enterovirus - rash

First of all, enterovirus infection affects the internal epithelium of the intestine. Against the background of this pathology, various digestive disorders begin, which leads to intoxication of the whole organism. Therefore, one of the symptoms that the enterovirus manifests itself is a rash on the skin and mucous membranes. In medicine, this feature is called polymorphic or coret-like exanthema. Special discomfort, it does not deliver, but helps quickly diagnose the infection.

Rash on the palms and feet with enterovirus

This clinical manifestation is in the form of vesicles - small (up to 3 mm in diameter) vesicles or blisters with a transparent liquid inside. Around the formations has a reddish aureole (corolla).

Eruptions last not for long, only 5-7 days. Vials do not open, their contents dissolve independently. Vesicles are gradually compared with the level of healthy skin, and redness disappears without a trace.

Is there a rash on the body and extremities with enterovirus?

Also described disease is sometimes accompanied by the appearance of small blisters in the upper back, on the neck, chest, hips (knee-deep). These areas are covered with vesicles denser than the feet and palms, the entire skin as if in spots.

Fortunately, the rash on the body disappears even more quickly, after 2-3 days there is no trace left of it. However, this type of exanthema is characterized by subsequent peeling and slimming of the epidermis. During this period, the skin may be slightly itchy, like after burning in the sun.

Lesion of throat and oral cavity with enterovirus

Another possible variant of the course of the disease is herpetic angina . In this case, small red dots (papules) form on the inner side of the cheeks, the palate, the pharynx and the gums. Literally in a couple of days they turn into vesicles, after which they are opened and on the spot appear jaundices.

On 3-5 days from the beginning of the disease, rashes in the throat disappear.

Treatment of rash with enterovirus

Given the independent resolution of the elements of exanthema, special therapy is not required for their elimination. Sometimes to alleviate the symptoms of herpetic tonsillitis, doctors advise rinsing the mouth with solutions of antiseptics - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, an aqueous solution of calendula tincture, Furacilin.