Bruises under the eyes of the child

Unfortunately, today many mothers face such a problem as bruises under the eyes of a child. The reasons for this trouble can be quite different. But before we panic and urgently run to the doctor, let's try to figure out what causes the circles under the eyes of children and how to avoid it.

Quite often, the appearance of swelling under the eyes in children speaks about the individual features of the subcutaneous tissue. If any of the parents have circles under the eyes, then their presence in your baby is a hereditary phenomenon. When a child does not worry about anything, he does not suffer from a lack of appetite and looks alert and healthy - you have no reason to experience. Light massages can remove a little swelling under the eyes of the child, but finally get rid of bruises will not succeed.

In addition to a congenital feature, the appearance of circles under the eyes of your baby may be due to a recent illness or a seasonal lack of vitamins. Also, the main reasons for the appearance of a bag or edema under the eyes of a child are fatigue and chronic lack of sleep. Give the child more vitamins and try to spend a lot of time walking in the fresh air. The appearance of bags under the eyes of children is also due to a lack of iron in the growing body. If possible, replace harmful food and fast food, products containing large amounts of iron.

When your child has a good rest, sleeps and starts to eat useful, vitamin-rich food, you, most likely, for a long time say goodbye to this problem. In the above cases, the appearance of circles under the eyes of children is a kind of indicator of the general state of the child's body. And if you react quickly to this signal, you can not only prevent the appearance of bruises under the eyes of a child, but also improve children's health.

But if this unpleasant phenomenon is long-term and the baby, besides, began to feel worse, then the circles under the eyes can be a symptom of impaired kidney function or intoxication in the child. When all measures to eliminate bruises under the eyes are taken, and the appearance of the baby has not changed, the doctor's visit becomes inevitable, because apart from intoxication, the cause of bruises and bags under the eyes in children can be dehydration, various endocrine diseases, parasites or adenoids. The final diagnosis after the delivery of a series of tests will be delivered to you by your doctor. And then, when the cause is revealed, insist on the most safe treatment for your child's health. Minimize the intake of antibiotics, it is better to give preference to drugs on a natural basis.

When the treatment is completed, remember that right now the children's body is weakened and the increased care for the child is the key to a quick recovery. Spend more time with your baby in the open air, diversify the diet, daily increase the number of fresh fruits and vegetables. Remember that the probability of repeated bruising under the eyes in children for several months remains high. Pay attention to any red spot and any circle under the eyes of your child.

Undoubtedly, the most important thing for every mother is to hear the sound laughter of her child, to see his blush and a happy smile. Proper nutrition, fresh air, physical activity are those components that minimize the appearance of bruises under the eyes of children and any other diseases.