Viburkol - candles for children

Recently, parents are increasingly turning to homeopathic medicines for the treatment of children. They explain their choice by the fact that, for all their effectiveness, such remedies are natural and do not have harmful effects on the children's organism. But every parent desires his beloved child only the best. This explains the popularity of Viburkol suppositories in moms.

Viburicol candles: composition

These rectal suppositories are produced by the German pharmaceutical company Biologiche Heilmittel Heel, known for his homeopathic remedies. They are produced in the form of torpedoes and have a smooth surface and a white-yellowish color. They include such components as: chamomile pharmacy, belladonna-belladonna, nightshade sweet-bitter, plantain large, meadow chamber, calcium carbonate, and also solid fat. As you can see, some components of this drug are considered poisonous. However, manufacturers included them in such a dosage that, if observed, the candles are absolutely safe for babies.

The use of viburkol in the treatment of children

Due to the constituent components, the medicinal product has the following action:

Due to the fact that viburkola side effects are practically absent, it is allowed to use candles even for the youngest ones. The only thing the manufacturer warns about is the occurrence of allergic reactions, and then in very rare cases.

For example, homeopathic suppositories of viburkol for newborns are prescribed in cases of fever, fever. And, unlike drugs with paracetamol and ibuprofen, you can use the drug for up to ten days without interruption. In addition, it is known that the first three to four months of life in the infant is the formation of the digestive system, which is accompanied by flatulence, swelling and pain. Therefore, thanks to antispasmodic and soothing effects, vibucol is widely used in colic. Since the painful sensations in newborns appear mainly in the dark, it is recommended to apply the medication in the evening or before bedtime.

A good effect is provided with the candles of viburkol when teething, when the child is naughty and crying. The use of viburkol in acute conditions - inflammatory processes in the ENT organs, in complex therapy for ARVI, and the temperature associated with these diseases is shown.

In the first year of life, babies are vaccinated with DPT, which in most cases are difficult to tolerate by children. Their condition is similar to the disease of the flu: muscle pain, fever, whims. Therefore, many parents are saved by viburicol after vaccination.

Viburkol suppositories: dosage for children

When using this homeopathic remedy, it is important to observe the exact dosage. For example, for children under 1 month, ¼ candles are allowed, but no more than 4-6 times a day.

Babies up to six months are allowed two whole candles in the first day of the disease. Further in the treatment should be used ½ suppository twice a day.

Viburkol suppositories at a temperature, acute conditions caused by ARVI, vaccination are used according to the following scheme: the drug is used rectally every 15-20 minutes for two hours until the well-being improves. The next day the drug gives 2-3 times a day for 1 suppository.

In cases of allergy to viburkol (which is very rare), the medicine should be canceled.

Despite the safety of viburkol, before using it, consult a pediatrician.