Beaver jet - application

Beaver jet, or castoreum, is a unique natural product that can heal many diseases. This is an excellent preventive tool for colds and viral infections, as well as an indispensable component in the therapy of gynecological and urological diseases. The use of a beaver jet covers almost all areas of traditional medicine.

Beaver jet and the possibility of its use for medical purposes

There is a plethora of evidence of the use of a beaver extract for health. It is believed that Alexander Nevsky, Mao Zedong, Ivan the Terrible and Alexander Pushkin resorted to this natural remedy. And the reasons for all these personalities were different. The generals valued the castoreum for its wound healing and immunostimulating properties, the Chinese ruler was saved by a beaver jet from diabetes, and the poet, a connoisseur of female beauty, used tincture of a beaver jet as a "Russian Viagra".

Also, the use of a beaver jet for oncology has long been common. There are sources that indicate the cessation of the growth of cancer cells and even complete recovery, but they all belong to a more ancient time. Modern medicine does not confirm the effectiveness of castoreum in the fight against malignant neoplasms, but does not deny the strong immunostimulating properties of the product.

Such a variety of possibilities of using this medicine is explained by its unique composition. Castoreum is an analogue of musk, a biologically active aromatic oil based on which beavers mark territory, send signals to each other about readiness for mating, and also treat wounds and injuries. It is believed that in the years of starvation, animals begin to eat their own castoreum, which can significantly strengthen immunity and survive an unfavorable period without much difficulty.

To date, with the help of a beaver jet, these diseases are treated:

In oncology, a beaver jet is used as a general restorative, which helps maintain the body during chemotherapy and radiation.

Methods of application and dosage for various diseases

Most often, the extract of a beaver jet is used in the form of an alcohol tincture, which can be diluted with water and consumed both internally and externally. The sphere of application of the beaver jet for women is especially wide.

Tincture is good for mastopathy and for the treatment of gynecological diseases. Intravaginally, candles made from castorium. Their antibacterial effect is much stronger than that of industrial antibiotics, but the action takes place in a mild form, without disturbing the balance of the natural microflora of the vagina. Spirituous tincture of a beaver jet helps to normalize a hormonal background and improves reproductive functions both in women and men. Many people say that the remedy can also be used as an aphrodisiac - it causes slight arousal in the ladies and helps to increase the potency of their cavaliers.

In diabetes, the use of a beaver jet helps to regulate blood sugar, but it is necessary to strictly follow the dosage. The amount of funds should be calculated individually, based on the mass and growth of a person. On average, an adult male with a height above 170 cm accounts for 1 drop of alcohol tincture for every 5 kg of weight. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.