Squamous cell papilloma

The entire human body is covered with cutaneous or mucosal epithelial tissue. The squamous cell papilloma is a benign tumor that consists of the cells of this cover. The exact causes of the development of this new growth could not be established, there are suggestions that the tumor occurs against the background of the human papillomavirus, previously suffered diseases of the skin or mucous membranes, frequent contacts with chemicals, carcinogens, and radiation.

There are not too many varieties of such neoplasms, as a rule, they are localized on the skin, in the esophagus, mouth, uterus and rectum.

Squamous cell papilloma of the skin

This form of the disease occurs most often.

Usually papillomas are manifested as single outgrowths on the "leg", reminiscent of warts. Less common are multiple small tumors (papillomatosis).

Neoplasms are painless, in color correspond to a normal skin tone or a little bit lighter. Sometimes squamous cell papilloma is combined with hyperkeratosis , while patients note strong keratinization and peeling of the epidermis at the site of the build-up.

The therapy of such benign tumors consists in their removal.

Squamous cell papilloma of the esophagus and larynx

These varieties of neoplasms are a rare phenomenon.

Papilloma of the larynx is not common among adults, it is more typical for childhood and adolescence. Clinical manifestations of the tumor:

Grafts in the esophagus, on the contrary, are more often present in mature and elderly people, especially if there is a history of gastroesophageal reflux. Symptoms of a papilloma are:

Treatment of neoplasms of the oral cavity and esophagus also consists in their removal by surgery. But in this case, the risk of recurrence and increase in the number of growths, their spread to neighboring tissue sites is high.

Squamous cell papilloma of the rectum and uterus

In the anal canal, the described tumor is very rarely diagnosed. According to its structure and appearance, it does not differ from dermal papillomas.

Symptoms of neoplasm in the rectum may be completely absent or consist of the following:

Ploskokletochnaya papilloma in the uterus - a frequent phenomenon. It is easy to identify by a number of specific features:

To get rid of outgrowths in the intestine and uterus, it is possible by taking antiviral medications or in a more rapid, surgical way.