Hypertrophy of palatine tonsils

Hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils is a pathological condition of the glands, in which they increase in size. At the same time, inflammation is not observed and no other significant changes in color or structure of the tonsils occur.

Degrees of hypertrophy of tonsils

Hypertrophy of palatine tonsils occurs mainly when:

There are several types of this state:

  1. Hypertrophy of palatine tonsils of 1 degree - an increase insignificant, tonsils occupy only 1/3 of the distance between the palatine douche and the median line of pharynx, therefore nasal breathing does not suffer at all.
  2. Hypertrophy of palatine tonsils of the 2nd degree - glands grow 2/3 of the distance between douche and yawn, the patient breathes through the nose, then through the mouth, because of what the quality of sleep deteriorates and speech suffers.
  3. Hypertrophy of palatine tonsils of the third degree - even with visual examination it is noticeable that the tonsils practically touch, and sometimes it is seen how the tonsils come on each other, as a result, food intake is difficult and it is very difficult to breathe normally.

Treatment of tonsill hypertrophy

The way the hypertrophy of the palatine tonsils will be treated depends on the degree of damage to the glands revealed. At the first degree it is necessary to observe usual hygienic procedures and to use for rinsing Furacilin after each meal. You also need to breathe only with your nose. This will reduce the infection of the outer shells of glands and prevents their overdrying. After recovery, the patient should periodically undergo a preventive examination with an otorhinolaryngologist.

If a degree of enlargement of the tonsils is detected, Corralgol 2% is used for treatment. They need to lubricate the glands several times a day. The patient is shown and regular rinsing of the oral cavity. For this you can use Furacilin and other antiseptic solutions. Before bedtime, glands should be lubricated with Carotolin. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in this preparation prevent inflammation.

On the third degree of hypertrophy, when there are pronounced difficulties with breathing, it is necessary to perform a surgical operation on an outpatient basis. During its carrying out remove a certain part of the tonsils or the entire organ completely. If the pharyngeal tonsil is also enlarged, it is also cut out. By time such an operation takes several minutes.