Symptoms of appendicitis in women

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix that occurs in many people between the ages of 20 and 40. To the emergence of pathology, women are more likely than men, which is associated with the peculiarities of physiology.

During an attack of appendicitis, symptoms in women may differ slightly from the symptoms that occur in men. This is primarily due to the location of the pelvic organs, and the symptomatology may differ due to pregnancy.

Because the appendix is ​​located near the right appendages of the uterus, appendicitis occurs in women 2 times more often than in men, and this is also associated with the examination of women with an inflammation of the appendix - they undergo diagnostics not only of the inflammatory process in the appendage, but also the genitals.

How appendicitis hurts - the first symptoms

The first symptoms of appendicitis are manifested by pain - it is localized in the epigastric region or near the navel. In some cases, patients may complain of pain of a non-localized nature. Since appendicitis develops rapidly, within a few hours the so-called Kocher symptom sets in, a pain in the right ileal region.

Pain in appendicitis is of a permanent nature with moderate intensity. A person at the same time seeks to take some position, under which they decrease.

Symptoms of acute appendicitis

Symptoms of inflammation of appendicitis as they develop intensify - from moderate pain to intense. If the appendix has lost the functioning of the nervous apparatus, then the pain is not felt, and this is an insidious, menacing symptom.

As the pathology progresses, a person feels pain in any movement - during walking, when coughing, and when changing the position in bed.

Uncharacteristic symptoms are nausea and vomiting - 1-2 fold, as well as loose stools, increased blood pressure and heart rate.

The increase in temperature is associated with the inflammatory process - up to 37 degrees, and with suppuration it begins to rise sharply to 38 degrees.

Symptom Schetkin Blumberg with appendicitis

Women may have a symptom of appendicitis in the form of pain after palpation - this is a clear evidence of inflammation of the peritoneum.

Symptom Zhendrinsky with appendicitis

When you click on the point below the navel in women with appendicitis in the prone position, pain may occur - this indicates that the organs of procreation are involved in the inflammation. After getting up, the pain intensifies.

Symptom Promptova with appendicitis

This symptom is found when examining the vagina - in the presence of painful sensations during the examination of the cervix, there may be pain, which indicates the inflammation of the appendages.

Symptoms of chronic appendicitis in women

For a long time, physicians did not want to isolate chronic appendicitis into an independent, separate disease, due to its various manifestations - polymorphism, but frequent appeals of patients with a slow inflammation of the appendix forced it to do, and today the disease is perceived as a separate form.

In this case, patients complain of moderate soreness of paroxysmal character in the umbilical or iliac region. In some cases, pain is given in the lower back or in the rib area. In women, the chronic form of appendicitis can give pain in the groin.

Also, pain can increase with physical exertion, as well as with constipation and coughing. In pregnant women, fetal growth can also exert pressure and this provokes soreness.

Stool disorder in the form of diarrhea and constipation is also possible due to disruption of the digestive tract. If the disease worsens, nausea and vomiting occur.

With Obraztsov's symptom, the pain intensifies when the straightened leg is lifted.