In the Instagram of Guillaume Cane appeared a photo of the sleeping Marion Cotillard

How curious sometimes to stroll through the pages of celebrities in microblogs. Just the other day in the instagram of the famous French actor Guillaume Cane, fans found a touching photo of his pregnant civil wife, Marion Cotillard.

Note that this is perhaps the first positive mention of the French actress since the official announcement of the divorce of Brangelina. Evil tongues instantly accused Marion of the collapse of the famous power couple.

The persecution in the press was so intense that it was even necessary to stand up for her protection, her partner, the star of the film "Bloody Ties" and "Do not Tell Anyone".

The photo was published by Guillaume Canet (@guillaumecanetofficiel)

Photos from the family archive

Funny picture, is not it? And it was like this: the couple made a journey by car and the pregnant actress dozed off with fatigue. Her beloved decided to make a little joke and made a funny shot.

The photo was published by Guillaume Canet (@guillaumecanetofficiel)

Perhaps, such photos should not be put on public display, but Monsieur Canet took a risk and did not regret what he had done. The photo of his sleeping friend received a lot of positive feedback and comments.

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