Aerial roots in orchids - what to do?

When the flower does not look like the picture, the owner is worried and lost in conjecture. Most gardeners are worried about the question: the aerial roots of an orchid - what to do with them in case of their appearance and growth.

They look like predatory tentacles. But to get rid of them, it is necessary to find out the reason of appearance. One should know that the air roots of an orchid are not a disease. They are part of the flower. By their appearance, they owe their habitat and care. In nature, roots wrap around trunks, branches of trees and get nutrients from them.

Reasons for the appearance of roots

Do not count the roots every day and be horrified by the appearance of a new one. From their number, the flower does not get bad. But attention should be paid to the care and maintenance of the orchid. There are such reasons for the appearance of roots:

  1. The problem may be that under the orchid a window sill is identified, which adjoins next to the radiator, an extremely unpleasant flower. The output will be to move the pot deep into the apartment, and next to put the phytolamp .
  2. If the orchid has many air roots, then this indicates excessive irrigation. It is enough to reduce the amount of water, and the exotic plant will stop "releasing" the tentacles. If there are 2-3 roots left, then this is common.

Transplanting orchids - where to put roots?

One of the features of an orchid is its transplant. The process is different than other plants. The first thing you think about when transplanting an orchid, where do you get air roots? After the new pot has been selected, the mixture is prepared, and the root system is washed, a little substrate is added to the bottom of the container. Then, the air roots as possible straighten out from above. The space between them and the walls is filled with a soil mixture.

When transplanting, doubts arise, is it necessary to instill the air roots of an orchid? Do not do this. Over time they will find a suitable position. Many wonder whether it is necessary to trim the air roots of an orchid. The reason is somewhat unaesthetic appearance of the flower. But no matter how many air roots there are, they can not be touched. Including can not be cut, because through the roots of the flower receives nutrients from the air.

A flower in nature feels wonderful with airy roots. They help to survive, get food. In the apartment, the roots look not so presentable. But this is already a unique feature of the orchid. If there are too many, it is worth transplanting the plant in a larger pot .