Endometriosis of the ovary - symptoms and treatment

Among a considerable number of diseases of the female reproductive system, not least is the disease that affects women of childbearing age - endometriosis of the ovaries.

This disease has a hormonal nature, like many other disorders of the female sexual sphere. Endometrium, torn during the period, from the uterus enters the abdominal cavity, where it is attached anywhere - on the wall of the intestine, bladder or ovaries.

Embedded in the ovary's shell, the endometrium is filled with blood. There are two types of disease: in the early stages - a small form that is easier to treat, then the neoplasms cause inflammation; the second type is endometrioid cysts, which tend to degenerate into malignant formations.

It happens that a woman does not feel any signs of endometriosis of the ovaries at all, and the disease is diagnosed only when she can not get pregnant for a long time and seeks medical help. But more often a woman is concerned about pain of varying intensity, which leads her to the threshold of a medical institution.

Symptoms of ovarian endometriosis

This pathology has the following symptoms:

How to treat endometriosis of the ovaries?

Official methods of treatment of ovarian endometriosis are hormone therapy and surgical treatment followed by drug support. Unfortunately, treatment with hormones often does not give good results, and the course itself is stretched for a very long period. This type of therapy is prescribed only at the initial stage of the disease.

Most often, after passing the diagnosis and taking all the necessary tests, the woman is offered an operation that is performed by the laparoscopy method - through a small puncture in the abdominal wall. After this, the necessary therapy is prescribed, after which the woman can return to the usual way of life and plan for conception.

Treatment of endometriosis of ovaries folk remedies

Some women, having found out in themselves the symptoms and manifestations of endometriosis of the ovary, begin to engage in independent treatment of this insidious disease. But without consulting a specialist, this behavior can only do much harm. Only a doctor can prescribe adequate treatment. For adherents of traditional medicine, there are several tools approved by gynecologists that will help to avoid surgery, although the duration of treatment will increase: